What the fook is TRUE Islam?


GHB says that PAS is not promoting true Islam. I suppose that means GHB is. Well, then maybe GHB can tell us what TRUE Islam is and in what way does this differ from the Islam that PAS is promoting. This is crucial so that non-Muslims would not get even more confused about Islam than they already are.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

PAS not promoting true Islam, says Selangor GHB

(The Malaysian Insider) – The Selangor New Hope Movement (GHB) unveiled its inaugural committee today as it launched the state chapter of the PAS splitter group, also saying that the Islamist party had departed from true teachings of the religion.

Selangor GHB coordinator Izham Hashim said that after being a PAS member for 31 years, he could see the vast difference in mindset with the new movement.

“What PAS is bringing to us is not in line with true Islam, there is no longer openness and democracy in PAS.

“We are of the view that there is no other choice but to take a new route.

“We have tried for many years to bring changes to PAS but we have come to a dead end,” he told a media conference in Shah Alam today.

Selangor GHB announced 21 committee members including Hulu Kelang and Morib assemblymen Saari Sungib and Hasnul Baharudin, who were elected to those seats on PAS tickets.

