The Plot (among other plots)


KTemoc Konsiders

Recall my mentioning that Mahathir had in no uncertain terms spurned Lim KS politically amorous wooing of him to get rid of the current PM?

Then I had said that Mahathir (or any UMNO member) wouldn’t want to be seen in collaboration with an Opposition MP to attack an UMNO PM as that derhaka-ish act (to UMNO rather than Najib) would have spelt the end of his iconic status in the Grand Old Party.

Well, Ahmad Zahidi used that UMNO taboo in a preemptive strike to neutralize an alleged pending coup d’etat against Najib. Yesterday a Bernama report stated:

Ahmad Zahid Hamidi on Saturday exposed a plot by the opposition to topple the Malaysian government, with an Umno-cum-Barisan Nasional (BN) leader allegedly behind it.

He said the plan was to obtain statutory declarations from the opposition members of Parliament (MPs) and to pull in the support of BN lawmakers in toppling the government through the “back door”.

Ahmad Zahid, who is also Home Minister, said the matter was serious and he had received information on it from reliable sources.

“The plot to topple the government through the back door is going on, with efforts to obtain statutory declarations from all opposition MPs, besides pulling in BN MPs to topple the ruling government through the back door,” he said when opening the Umno Ampang division delegates’ meeting, here.

“Purportedly, all the 87 opposition MPs and an independent MP, making up 88, are trying to get BN MPs to support their move,” he said.

112 is a majority in the federal parliament but 113 makes it sweeter, with a Yang Dipertua from that bloc without interfering with the simple 112 majority. Thus the alleged plotter(s) needed only 113 – 88 (assuming PAS is also with the plotters) = 25 BN MPs.

But Zahid’s preemptive attack has been surprisingly quite effective against that supposed “916 Mark II”, with two prominent figures emerging swiftly to deny they were the mastermind and thus were NOT derhaka-ish to UMNO, wakakaka.

Ku Li said he was still behind Najib notwithstanding his admisison he did have a chit-chat with Mahathir.

Muhyiddin was more circumspect. The way I read it (from the news) he said he would be “stupid” to wreck the government he helped build”, but which allows him, unlike Ku Li, to remain discretely ambiguous vis-a-vis Najib, wakakaka.

As a matter of fact, Moody is still questioning Najib openly on 1MDB despite his avowed loyalty to Najib more than a week ago and his current denial of being the mastermind behind the plot to topple Najib as alleged by Zahid, but as we know, UMNO members’ loyalty to their respective leaders ain’t worth a sh*t.


