The silence of ex-AG Gani and other completely unrelated facts


LSS Report

I was reading Rahman Dahlan’s interview in The Star today and what he said or hinted seem to reinforce what I had been suspecting all along.

1) Ex-Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail was the the person entrusted by Tun Mahathir to be the lead prosecutor against Anwar Ibrahim in the first sodomy and corruption trials in 1998.

Anwar had personally accused Gani and then Assistant Commissioner of Police Musa Hassan of fabricating evidence against him during the trial, in particular introducing the medical report that suggested Anwar’s black-eye sustained from beatings in prison were self-inflicted

2) Gani was made the Attorney-General on 1 January 2002  by Tun Mahathir – a position of immense power and you would only put someone in there that you can completely trust or have some form of control over him – something you would do if you are an experienced and cunning politician.

3) Tun M wanted PM Najib to step down and the word is that the deadline given was June. Tun M also knew the inner workings of UMNO – including how UMNO funds their party.

4) In June, the UMNO party elections were delayed until after GE14.

5) A task force was illegally set-up by AG Gani without cabinet or parliament approval in June – hence making it illegally formed.

More strangely, he AG not only formed this task-force  but he even led this task-force – although he was not supposed to even be in this task force as he is not the investigating authorities.  His role was merely to decide if and when to press any charges presented to him by the various investigating authorities.

6) Close ally of Tun M, Khairuddin Abu Hasan gloated that he met Clare Brown “by chance” while in England in June. At about the same time, a Tan Sri member of the MACC was exposed (and later confirmed by Sarawak Report) to have met Clare Brown in England too.

7) In July, a week after the UMNO party elections were delayed, only a few pages of the investigation papers of the Task Force was leaked by investigators to Wall Street Jorunal and possibly Sarawak Report which suggested that USD700m of 1MDB money was deposited into Najib’s accounts – which is strange since Two out of the Big 4 auditors (over 4 years) and the Auditor General report could not find any evidence of money lost from 1MDB.

This USD700m is remarkably similar to the the supposed USD700m that was paid to Good Star even though PetroSaudi had said many times that Good Star is their 100% owned sub subsidiary.

This is made even more strange because Sarawak Report today confirmed that the amounts in Najib’s accounts was more than USD1 billion which came from a few different sources and also confirmed that the money was used to pay to various UMNO leaders – during and after GE 13 and – consistent with Najib’s stand that those money was not for his own personal use and was funding for UMNO during GE13 and beyond that.

Thus, why mention only USD700m (which is associated with the Good Star funds) when you could mention more than USD 1 billion which would be even more sensational?


