Did BN’s Rahman Dahlan Spill the Beans on 1MDB?


The government said the whistleblower website had fabricated the charges … [but] in an interview with local daily The Star, Rahman said he believed the charge sheet was dismissed as false because it did not go through the proper channel of charging an individual.

Charles Santiago

This year will certainly be noted for preposterous statements by ruling politicians.

It’s worse when a guy appointment to apple polish the Prime Minister’s image shoots off his mouth without thinking.

Barisan Nasional’s Strategic Communications Director, Abdul Rahman Dahlan, said Najib Razak had to “take people out” when he knew there was a charge sheet against him by former Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail.

He did not rule out the possibility that the charge sheet existed. In fact, in an interview with local daily The Star, Rahman said he believed the charge sheet was dismissed as false because it did not go through the proper channel of charging an individual.

I wonder if Rahman realizes his folly.

There was a huge hullabaloo when Sarawak Report said Gani Patail was sacked by Najib because he had drafted a corruption charge sheet against the premier in relation to SRC International, a former subsidiary of the debt-ridden sovereign state fund, 1Malaysia Development Berhad.

The government said the whistleblower website had fabricated the charges.

Gani  Patail lost his job.

Two directors of the anti-corruption agency (MACC) were transferred to the Prime Minister’s Department, with the transfer order revoked following a public outcry.

Top ranking civil servants in the Attorney-General’s Chambers were hauled up by the police. And all this happened while the MACC was investigating the movement of  RM 2.6 billion into Najib’s personal account.

Mohamed Apandi Ali, who replaced the former Attorney General, dismissed there was a charge sheet against Najib. And other’s came to the Prime Minister’s aid.

But Rahman’s statement plus another news article by Sarawak Report stating that funds from Najib’s account were transferred out to Singapore warrant an investigation against Najib.

His claims that the RM 2.6 billion were donated to be used for party matters do not hold water anymore.

It’s clear Najib has lied.

So he must take a leave of absence until investigators clear him of any wrongdoing.

And there should be no more political interference into MACC’s investigations as well.

Charles Santiago

Member of Parliament, Klang

