Will we ever know who ‘Gang Hang Tuah’ and ‘Si Kitol’ are?

Hazlan Zakaria

Hazlan Zakaria, The Ant Daily

Amidst concerns over mysterious transfers of personnel and contractual terminations of officials in enforcement bodies and regulators investigating entities linked to debt-laden government investment arm 1MDB, the former police Special Branch (SB) number two has come out alleging a cover-up.

As reported by Malaysiakini, former SB deputy director Abdul Hamid Bador has alleged the existence of a clandestine group he dubbed “Gang Hang Tuah” attempting to derail investigations into 1MDB .

While declining to disclose the identities of those involved at present, Abdul Hamid told the news portal of the supposed conspiracy when he was quizzed about a fake WhatsApp message being circulated concerning him.

The fake message claimed that he would file a report against former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad for allegedly being involved in a conspiracy with whistleblower website Sarawak Report’s editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown to smear Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Blaming Gang Hang Tuah for the false message, Abdul Hamid alleged that the group is masterminded by a ‘Si Kitol’, invoking the name of the traitor who sold military secrets of ancient Malacca to the Portuguese, thus allowing the Western power to defeat the Malay kingdom.

“I am sure it is those from the Hang Tuah team who is responsible for this disinformation, including the one known as Si Kitol,” Abdul Hamid told the news portal, vowing to expose the individual when the time comes.

He reportedly said that the clandestine group wants stop any probe or questions concerning 1MDB and is willing to “kiss hands to safeguard personal interests”.

Abdul Hamid also told the portal that he was warned to be careful over the matter, but vowed to continue telling the truth.

The former SB number two was transferred to the Prime Minister’s Department to be put in charge of a new security division and was also told to go on leave before taking up his new post.

He claimed to be in the dark about the reason despite IGP Khalid Abu Bakar saying that the transfer was normal.

Ahmad Hamid’s transfer followed the retirement of SB chief Akhil Bulat last month, which led some to question if the powerful police intelligence arm is the subject of a purge.


