3 Task Forces since March on 1MDB? What remains? Should the AG resign for the good of Malaysia?


Special Task Forces – there were 3, the first 2 in March, the latest in July – which one is no more, and which one is still in existence?

Charles Hector

Confronting Malaysia is perspectives that there is alleged ‘interference with the administration of justice’ and alleged failure of the application of constitutional guarantee that ‘All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law’. Now, its seems that the law may be treating some persons and legal entities differently…

Should Tan Sri Apandi Ali be asked to resign as the Attorney General of Malaysia, who also is Malaysia’s Public Prosecutor? His appointment was already questionable following the sudden removal of Ghani Patail as AG, who was to retire in October?

Personally, I feel that it is always best for an ‘independent person’ preferably from the AG’s chambers or the Auditor General’s office who should have been made the AG.

Not questioning the good character, personality, values or commitment to justice of Tan Sri Apandi Ali, the new AG, but taking into account the current ‘concerns’ and happenings in Malaysia, it may be best for Malaysia and the cause of justice, that Tan Sri Apandi Ali be removed as AG – preferably by resignation.

Tan Sri Apandi Ali, I believe, may be just a victim of timing and circumstances. But public perception of the administration of justice and the rule of law must be speedily restored for the overall good of the nation.

Maybe, Ghani Patail should be reappointed as AG, and his term of office extended for 6 months or a year so that all these allegations of corruption against Najib Tun Razak, possible breaches of law by 1MDB and other GLCs. etc may all be properly investigated and resolved.

The AG must also clarify now:-

a) Whether the investigation of the alleged acts of corruption against Najib Tun Razak is still ongoing OR has it also been dropped? Whilst the MACC may be investigating offences under the MACC Act, there are also offences under the Penal Code which the police and the AG’s chambers should be investigating. So, is Najib still being investigated for corruption or not?

b) Besides corruption, there may be other offences related to the said RM2.6 billion – money laundering, etc.. involving other persons and legal entities, other than Prime Minister Najib. Are these investigations still ongoing?

c) Is the AG’s chambers still investigating 1MDB and other GLCs – for possible violations of the law? …

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