Why BERSIH 4 did not see UMNO member attending?


Just when we UMNO were about to ‘turun padang’ to give support, ‘friends’ from PKR added a 5th demand. THIS IS WHERE BERSIH4 lost support.

Dear everybody,
So much fuss about lack of attendance from Malays at BERSIH4.

Mostly it will be Malays from UMNO who will have guys to openly stand up for rest of Malays in Malaysia.
Even the ladies from Wanita and Puteri wings will portray balls of steel.

But then again, why didn’t we attend?
Or did we attend, but were extremely discreet?

Well, l attended, in a way.
My fellow friends attended too, in a way.
I drove, with family, took the SMART tunnel, used Jalan Sultan Ismail, neatly parked at basement of SOGO.

Sat at The Loaf. Had my breakfast.
Watched from there.
Took many photos. Posted at many whatsapp groups.
Why? Why? WHY?

We at UNMO, grassroot, branch and division (many l tell you) truly do support BERSIH, more so ever, when our beloved Tun M himself attended briefly.

But why did we NOT PARTICIPATE actively?

BERSIH4 should have had some control over friends from PKR.
Just when we UMNO were about to ‘turun padang’ to give support, ‘friends’ from PKR added a 5th demand.
THIS IS WHERE BERSIH4 lost support.

Why would we at UMNO would want to go all out to release a convicted felon?
I repeat. Convict.

Why would we UMNO give bragging rights to PKR who would use our attendance and say even we UMNO support to free a CONVICT?

This is absurd.
If at all there is a release, then all convicts from all Malaysian prison also have rights to ask for the same.

Sad to say, BERSIH4 had the cause and opportunity to actually get lots and lots of UMNO attendance actively, BUT I DARE SAY, lost support due to this one simple but important reason.

If at all there is going to be a BERSIH5 in nearest future, we UMNO will be extra cautios, in face people at PKR, decide at the eleventh hour, to suddenly add another unpopular agenda to the existing wishlist.

Anyway, salutations are in order to organizers of BERSIH4.
Great teamwork potrayed.
Keep it up!!!


Another citizen wanting justice.
