Mahathir dependent on Kit Siang, Anwar, Ambiga and Maria Chin to bring Najib down

kit sial

Whatever the denial made, Anwar welcome Tun M’s presence at Bersih 4.0 [read TMI here]. He or his people could have concocted it as a snub or teasing of Tun M. nevertheless, Tun M has given him a moral victory.

Another Brick in the Wall

Like Raja Petra wrote here, it’s the same with this blog.

Not keen to comment and argue on Tun Dr Mahathir’s twice appearance at the BERSIH 4.0. The pro-Tun will use whatever it takes to spin. Taking a cue from the man himself, they said he was there to see and came later to be as Maria Chin put it as participant. It was denied he support BERSIH 4.0.

If so, why did Tun Siti Hasmah said it is people’s revolution?

Quite she could not see well enough from the passsage opened for her to walk through the crowd that it was 80%, or some say 90% attended by DAP supporters. It does not represent the composition of the country. Also it’s heavily skewed towards Chinese DAP demand!

Anyway it is pointless to write when one is in an excitable mood. That was till we came across Bigdog’s twitter in Helen Ang’s blog posting here. With him steadfast to his belief, someone commented that “Bigdog is more the flagbearer of Mahathirism that Mahathir!

To understand Mahathirism, read this academic work here than reading politically laced criticism on racism, human rights and cronyism [read one here]. No wonder RPK was writing a series against Mahathirism in May [read here to here].


The humourous remark on the bigger Mahathirism man puts us in less emotional mood to write. Angry we are not. Neither the feeling of being cheated.

It’s political expediency and acceptable in the power game of third world mentality Malaysia. Malaysians are willing to sacrifice their principle and values when it comes to Tun M. More so the angry ones.

If there was any emotion, it was sadness.

But it gave a sense of vindication and clears any doubt. Dato Najib’s influence and power could be waning. Unless he has something up his sleeve, he looks to go down. It does not matter. Irrespective of who is right or who is wrong, we were not wrong for not backing Tun M.

We could not bring ourselves down to be part of a lie to accuse the RM42 billion i.e. the whole borrowing of 1MDB disappeared and indirectly infer it as being swindled.

And, there is hardly any “reward” to be sympathetic to Najib (not pro-Najib to correct) though the irony is some of the most vocal critics of Najib are the one seeking and handed with the “rewards”.

As events unfold itself, we saw Tun M broke everything he stood for all his life for sake of political expediency. One long time staunch Tun M supporter said he went there as an emotional old man with so intense anger and hatred that he is will to bring down Najib by all means.

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