JAWI’s Friday sermon and DAP’s slander

Syerleena AR

Rafidah Hanim Mokhtar, Malay Mail Online

I was amazed at how concerned the director of DAP political education, Miss Syerleena (pic), of last Friday’s sermon by JAWI that she claimed to be “misogynistic”. One of her point in justifying so was that there was no mention of male in the discussion of awrah.

I believe both of us did not attend the Friday prayer. I deduce this from the fact that the DAP member found it offensive that the sermon was delivered to the all men congregations. She did not reveal her sources of information either. I therefore referred to the pdf document of the khutbah, available in both Malay and English languages at JAWI’s website. Well, the khutbah DID mention that the requirements to observe awrah apply to both MEN and WOMEN.

As a political education bureau director, wouldn’t it be more professional if she was to DOUBLE CHECK her sources first? Is it that urgent for her to try to tarnish the image of Islam through unfounded claims? This is of course in line with the aspirations of DAP in rejecting Islam and painting bad image of the Islamic authorities, and what more convenient way of doing it than having their Muslim members doing the job!

I then searched for the word rape and ‘rogol’ in the documents of khutbah. I couldn’t find any. So who’s putting words in JAWI’s mouth? Is that the function of a political education bureau? Fabricating words to instigate hatred towards khutbah? And against Muslims?

In emphasising her objections, as usual,  the old tactic was used (we’re kind of tired here… ) … comparing to the non-comparable, and without evidences. Talibanisation of any Islamic practices or rulings that DAP doesn’t like,  and of course, with the new kids on the block. … ISIS. It doesn’t matter to this Muslim member of DAP that this awrah ruling has been applied more than a thousand and four hundred years ago.

Offended by the so called “comparison to  food” and the insistence that we Malaysian Muslims should follow CEDAW rather than Quran, are unmistakably the qualities of feminism and feminists. These metaphors are hardly an indication of women’s suppression as painted by the feminist. If you read the text of khutbah as a whole, it reminded in the most compassionate manner for husband and fathers to make sure the wives and daughters are protected physically and spiritually according to the teachings of Islam.

This criticism of sermon is nothing less than pretending that they care about women A LOT! But truly I wonder, where were DAP members when there was a plan by Hooters to set up chain of “breastaurants” in Malaysia early this year,  that will not only USE women’s assets as their marketing strategy,  but to DISCRIMINATE as well as only certain SIZE of assets will be “employed”? Hooters and voluptuous breasts are synonymous, in case one doesn’t have a clue. This is clearly an exploitation of women.

And here you are Syerleena, worried about the metaphors of Friday sermons when the real monsters are lurking around and knocking at our door to degrade our women!


Stop this double standard policy.

To DAP Muslim members:

Return to the Quran and Sunnah, please Allah instead of your political master. To Him, Allah SWT we shall all return.

*Dr Rafidah Hanim Mokhtar is Wanita Isma’s Information Chief.

