Caponization of DAP?


KTemoc Konsiders

MalaysiakiniHadi: PAS to contest in DAP dominated seats next GE (extract):

According to the Malay daily today, the move is seen as an counter attack against the PAS splinter party Amanah, which expressed its view to contest in all seats, included those won by PAS.
TMIAzmin welcomes PAS’s inclusion in new opposition coalition (extract):

PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali today reiterated that the party wanted to continue its political cooperation with PAS in the new opposition coalition.
MM OnlineLet PAS join new Pakatan, Azmin says (extract):

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 7 — PKR deputy president Azmin Ali has insisted that PAS be allowed to join the new federal opposition pact although the first alliance had crumbled due to the Islamist party’s fallout with DAP.

In a report by Malay daily Sinar Harian, the Selangor mentri besar said joining forces with PAS is in line with PKR’s stand as stipulated by president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail herself.

Hear that, you rocket-headed m*f*s, Azmin has PRONOUNCED that PAS joining Pakatan 2.0 “… is in line with PKR’s stand …”, and WTF will or can you do?
Without my Bhai around, DAP has ended up as always, sucking PKR’s you-know-what, so Lim KS and his party can continue doing so. Read also my post
Selangor saga shows PKR’s ketuanan mentality?
Being a DAP supporter, but now a very sad and shameful one, okay-lah I can contribute a bottle of Aussie honey to help ameliorate the ‘taste’ for DAP when it sucks up to Azmin’s p….declaration, wakakaka again.
After all, sucking Azmin’s you-know-what won’t be as bad asbeing shafted by working with your once-archfoe but now best friend.
Azmin (and perhaps even Anwar) knows DAP is so obsessed with bringing down Najib that the party leadership will work with anyone including The Devil, readily selling its once-principled soul as it were, thus Azmin has cleverly tweaked DAP’s somewhat-dirtied-brown nose, knowing the democratic-socialist party will not dare to ‘rebel’, wakakaka, against PKR.
Azmin senses (probably correctly) that DAP needs PKR more than PKR needs DAP, and under the present bizarre malady which has affected DAP that I wrote about in my previous post “Chastise with the valour of my tongue …” Azmin dares to unilaterally declare the coalition policy for Pakatan 2.0 as if he is now the undisputed leader of the new pact, just as his is now the undisputed policy maker of the Selangor DUN who could/can do what he likes, for example with Selangor’s state-owned assets, as per his setting up of DEIG without prior consultation with his DAP ADUN colleagues, wakakaka – f* those rocket-heads.


