Big Brother MCMC watching over you


One blogger noticed that local blogs using had their domain changed to .my.

Another Brick in the Wall

This was recently highlighted by a participant in one of our many Whass App and Telegram groups.

One blogger noticed that local blogs using had their domain changed to .my. From, this blog is now

This could have implication to anonymous bloggers. In the past, it provide space to escape lawsuits and the long hands of the law. One blogger in the group said things may not be as easy anymore with domain name is now based in Malaysia.

This technical bit is not something familiar to this blogger. Only suspect it could have came out of collaboration between MCMC and for some localisation. Techincally, it may serve the purpose of reducing traffic on the trunk line to the US.

Could it be that all the storage of bloggers’ posting is now in Cyberjaya?

It could send the fear to anonymous bloggers on blogspot platform that their identity and information is no more as secured as using American .com domain.

Not that it is an issue for this blog.

By right, it is time to remove the cloak of anonymity but it is more a personal issue of domesticated tendency of Cancerians.

It is no issue for the likes of bloggers with known identity like He had got his own domain for quite sometime.

Same with Firdaus Abdullah at

Dato Abdul Kadir Jasin’s The Scribe could now be accessed at and public figure and veteran journalist like him would not have written on anonymous blog.

So how would the like of known bloggers, but rather paranoid of potential lawsuit like Syed Akbar’s Outsyed the Box, do?

His new url is

He puts up his posting but takes it off by the next day. With this change in domain and the suspicion blogspot shifted storage to Malaysia, all that he has taken off is now accessible and could be admissable in court.

Read more here
