
Hakim Joe

Looks likely that Hishammuddin’s going to be the 2nd “second-generation” PM after Ah Gib Kor next year and our present DPM will be wondering why he isn’t in line to being so. The answer may well be that he is perceived to be non-kulturny by the upper class Umno warlords.

If HH is anything like his father, Malaysia might still have a chance of being an accountable democratic society again, but then again, his keris waving performance (twice) might have been well received at Umno gatherings but not amongst the majority of people who voted Opposition, which is more than half of the Malaysian population and that might come back to haunt him, and BN, and Umno knows this.

MM is hoping that he might become the 2nd after Najib but he would be wise to KIV such lofty ambitions until his daddy builds up his reputation on the national level. Kedah alone does not equate to much. Only 4 years younger than HH, he might not even get the chance to be the 3rd second generation PM after HH. Case in point – Ku Li & TDM.

ZH is now the DPM, aspiring to be the next PM. His present words and actions convey to just about every one, of his “hidden” ambitions, expect perhaps himself. Maybe he is just being very supportive of his master, maybe he thinks that is what the DPM is supposed to do, and maybe he is just staking his claim. Whatever it is, he is not what the Umno warlords wants in any individual to lead them into the next election. The political situation is precarious as it is and the current DPM is not the right person to swing the Malay fence sitters, let alone the rest of the population who voted opposition in the last election.

The only one thing working in his favour amongst the Chinese voters is that the DPM was raised by his foster father, who is of Chinese descent, and at one time they sold ice cream together. But then again, he had to put his foot into his own mouth when he became the Defense Minister by stating that Malaysians who are unhappy with the country’s political system should leave the country.

HH on the other hand is a totally different proposition. Somewhat cultured except during his crazy keris wielding moments, his heritage is impeccable. His paternal grandfather is Onn Jaafar (Umno founder) and his father is Hussein Onn (3rd PM). A Master of Law (LL.M) degree, a princess for a wife and (sadly) cousin to Najib. However, HH is considered by many as being “lembik” and that is not what Umno wants.

MM on the other hand is not ready and he will never be ready under the shadow of his father. Could MM have become the MB of Kedah without TDM behind him? Nobody really knows. Could TDM call in all his chips to have the people who “owe” him support MM as the next PM? Nobody really knows but they also recognize now that TDM is just another citizen, albeit a former PM who might have the insider track inside Umno but not the clout any longer. Could NR make a deal with TDM? Nobody knows but the fact remains that NR did not “live up to TDM’s expectations” after he became PM and TDM might instruct his son to do the same once he became PM.

Not something NR will be willing to risk.

With all the controversies surrounding NR these days, the PM would want to appoint a PM who is capable of looking after his back when he steps down and blood is always thicker than water no matter how obedient and loyal ZH might perceptibly be.

All these will be hypothetical should NR decides to stay put and lead BN into the next polls but indications are that he will step down in favour of HH next year. Even he knows the risk of BN losing Putrajaya to the Opposition.
