Written Confession of Xavier Justo


LSS Report

As the full confession and WhatsApp logs of Xavier Justo continues to be leaked and published by the local media in sensational fashion that has implicated Sarawak Report, Clare Brown, The Edge, politicians such as Nurul Izzah and Tony Pua, Sarawak Report has published the full written confession of Xavier Justo on their website here.

Since many users in Malaysia are no longer able to access Sarawak Report due to a government restrictions imposed after Justo and Thailand police had said that data had been tampered by Sarawak Report,  I reproduce the full document here.

I am unable to confirm this confession from Sarawak Report is 100% legitimate but the contents are very consistent with what our local media has been reporting in their cover page stories.

As Sarawak Report and Clare Brown becomes increasingly desperate as the details are being revealed in media and after Justo has been convicted, Sarawak Report is now accusing that the Switzerland government is now involved in the cover up by their embassy and their govt and also that PetroSaudi has sent secret agents posing as Scotland Yard police to manipulate Xavier Justo whom she now says is suicidal and suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.  Sarawak Report believes that this accusation apparently justifies Sarawak Report releasing the Justo confession on their website here.

In recent months as the Justo story was developing, Sarawak Report had also accused Thailand police (whom she says are corrupted) and Singapore governments (whom she calls a Sin City who spies on journalists)  of colluding with Malaysia to cover up 1MDB.

Xavier Justo’s written confession follows:


