Mahathir showing signs of a desperado


Tajuddin Rosli

Push a man to the edge of a cliff and he would respond in a way you would never expect, merely for survival. This best describes Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s reactions of late. Mahathir is at his end game. He has tried all his ace-cards but nothing seems to move Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Even members of UMNO have started to desert him. The current scenario is eating into the ego of Malaysia’s self proclaimed Godfather. Mahathir the founder of UMNO Baru is becoming Mahathir the destroyer.

Mahathir’s special appearance in Bersih is an act of a desperate man; a politically desperate and dying man. His ambition of seeing his son as prime minister is vanishing faster than the haze in the country. Previously, Mahathir said Bersih demonstrators are mules and fools. He even called the Malays ‘bodoh’ for attending Bersih rallies previously. Looks like the Malays have become intelligent and decided not to turn up in huge numbers for Bersih 4.0. Ironically, the intelligent Mahathir has instead become ‘bodoh’ (in his own words) when he attended Bersih himself. Is this a case of what goes around comes around for Mahathir?

The Mahathir family is resorting to all sorts to stay significant. Removal of Najib is a do-or-die mission for the Mahathir family. In fact, Mahathir and family started their propaganda long ago to remain relevant. In 2009 Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir said that constitutionally, a non-Malay or non-Bumiputera can become a Prime Minister and the Malays should not have a problem with that if the selected person is a true leader and can take care of the interest of everyone. While it is definitely a commendable stand, does Mukhriz really mean it? Conversely his father continued to scare the Malays that they would lose power if the Opposition pack were to form the government. The former prime minister also claimed nothing good will come with Chinese dominance in politics and economy. This father and son combo play the good cop-bad cop in order to gain support from citizens in this country.

Malaysia’s famous human rights activist Marina Mahathir who never uttered a word regarding her father’s dictatorship, is calling crime on the current prime minister. Marina should dig deep into the history books and read about the formation of UMNO Baru. How Mahathir was sacked and ousted from UMNO is similar to how The Holy Quran speaks on how Iblis broke Allah Almighty’s Commands and turned into Satan. Mahathir is no angel. Marina should also question the avenue of power vested in the President of UMNO. Who created such a monstrous position? The answers lie within her own family.

Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah for the first time also voiced her concern with the current political scenario. A mother will always be concern for her children and she definitely could not remain silent witnessing the demise of Mukhriz’s political career. As Forbes reported massive loses for Datuk Mokhzani Mahathir due to crashing oil price, no more favours for her son from Najib’s government probably forced her to speak up.

I got a question for the Mahathir family. How does it feel to weep and be helpless against the government? How does it feel to be ridiculed and mocked by the same party that once empowered you? It is exactly how the entire nation felt when Dr. M ruled the country for 22 years with an iron fist. Welcome to our world!

