No Need To Make Your Presence Felt, MCA

red shirt rally

For every action there is a reaction. It is high time Mr. MCA President and the rest of the country realises that sooner or later groups rallying for the government will come storming out. If you allow one, you got to allow all.

Jason Chin

Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai as the President of MCA has strongly condemned and spoken against a rally being organised by a Malay-based non-government organisation scheduled on September 16. Liow said such an event would destroy the peace and harmony in the country.

Late last month however, MCA Youth Chief Chong Sin Woon who also happens to be the deputy education minister said that undergraduates were free to participate in the Bersih rally and no action will be taken against any MCA member who took part in the gathering.

Is MCA trying to politically survive? MCA has definitely failed to lead and the Chinese have umpteen times rejected MCA during general elections. For the Chinese community, only one political party deserves their support and that is DAP. MCA can stop dreaming about making a comeback because they are finished. Making statements that are pro-Chinese are not going to garner them even one percent of support from the Chinese community.

MCA is to BN exactly what PAS is to the Opposition, a constant thorn. When will MCA realise they are nothing but a bunch of rejects. Even the numerically insignificant MIC did way better than MCA during GE13.

After getting a trashing in the general elections, MCA decided not to hold any ministerial posts. It did not take long for them to back-track on their own words and requested for cabinet positions from the Prime Minister. Upon obtaining the posts, they aimed higher by internally requesting for bigger ministries e.g To take over Health Ministry from MIC. Dear MCA, please prove your worth first before asking for positions. Lai looks like a school boy when compared to Datuk Seri Hishammuddin considering the way Hishammuddin handled the Transport Ministry.

MCA may have had a major role to play in BN in the past. Today, they are insignificant. Whether they cease to exist or not makes no difference. Trying to be supportive to initiatives that have majority Chinese participation while rendering disgust to activities that are pro-Malay is not going to give MCA any brownie points.

While I do not necessarily condone the rally on September 16, you cannot call foul on it because Bersih 4.0 took precedence. Do not forget that the red-army NGO adhered to the request of police and withdrew from Bersih 4.0 rally. Since one group made their voice heard, it is obvious the other will want to do so too. Maybe all they intend to do is show who has more support – for the government or against the government. There is nothing wrong with that. Not only Bersih have been organised four times, they even threaten to do more. Hence, obviously the pro-government supporters are not going to remain silent and let the world see one side of the story only.

For every action there is a reaction. It is high time Mr. MCA President and the rest of the country realises that sooner or later groups rallying for the government will come storming out. If you allow one, you got to allow all. Otherwise, call it quits from the word go itself.
