Azmin needs both PAS and DAP, say analysts


(The Sun Daily) – Selangor Mentri Besar Azmin Ali (pix) has to do a careful balancing act as the parting of ways between PAS and the DAP could just well destabilise his government, said political analysts.

They said he needs DAP and PAS in addition to the new kid on the block – Parti Amanah Negara – to ensure his government enjoys a strong mandate although PKR only controls 13 seats in the 56-seat assembly.

In Johor the DAP, together with PKR, announced a new coalition on Friday – Pakatan Rakyat Baru – with Parti Amanah Negara, completely alienating PAS.

But in Selangor the DAP is reluctant to do the same.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said his party will cooperate with Azmin’s government, which includes PAS, to keep PAS in line and keep it from doing things like Islamising the state.

This, according to analysts, is a just a convenient excuse as both Azmin and the DAP are reluctant to part with PAS completely, unlike in Johor, as this has to do with political expediency and simple arithmetic.

Azmin clings on to both DAP and PAS which have 15 seats each in the 56-seat assembly. He needs their support to keep functioning.

“PKR is weak with only 13 seats while his allies between them collectively control 30 seats. He needs both of them badly,” said political analysts Dr Sivamurugan Pandyan.

“For him it does not matter what the new Pakatan Rakyat is called or how many political parties eventually join up, as long as they all support his government,” he said.

But if you sack PAS, as the DAP had done in Johor, Azmin’s government loses its superior majority and ends up controlling only 29 seats.

“Thus, this proposition is simply untenable … who would want his majority reduced from two-thirds to a bare minimum and still function,” said Sivamurugan.

Thus, he added, it is in Azmin’s interest not to alienate anyone – either PAS nor DAP or even the new Parti Amanah.
