Is Riduan Tee safe to be stupid?

If we read all his previous postings which were solely focused on hatred of the non Malays especially the Chinese, we would not have any doubt that these postings had a profound influence on the Red Shirt episode.

Choo Sing Chye

It seems that  it is safe for Ridhuan Tee to be stupid in his number 4 idea.  In fact none of his other ideas proffer any intellectual wisdom that we keenly seek in him as a lecturer. All his proposed ideas, I supposed  had  certainly found a niche in the yelling-right politicians and NGOs.

Now his voice changes and he is trying to sneak his way to the centre with his recent posting telling the Red Shirts not to go out.

Too late, if we read all his previous postings which were solely focused on hatred of the non Malays especially the Chinese, we would not have any doubt that these postings had a profound influence on the Red Shirt episode. The burning of Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang’s effigies bears testament of this.

What did he say about the numerological belief of the Chinese towards the digit 4 that manifest in his inability to write or say things intelligently – a kindergarten intellect?

“The Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin lecturer also went on to say that the Chinese who joined Bersih 4 no longer believed in the superstitions attached to the number “4”, which is said to symbolise death. He said these Chinese rally-goers were no longer “afraid to die” as they now want to “bring death” to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. (Malay Mail Online – September 7 2015)

Just the digit, “4,” Riduan Tee had managed to beat, hamper and forge it  into a raw and hateful premise with the malicious intention to enrage the Malays.  To say that the Chinese rally-goers’ motive is to bring death to Najib Razak and Hadi Awang is  dangerous talk.

If there is an opportune time to explain to the people the need to have the Sedition Law in Malaysia – this is the time!

Now, let’s shift our attention to one article posted in the blog – OutSyed The Box:

“Did you know that Malaysia is the ONLY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD where all the 90 odd gomen universities (IPTA) do not have even one School of Philosophy? … Philosophy is learning about how to think and how to debate or argue a subject”. (September 9, 2015)

Anyway, Philosophy is much more than “learning about how to think and how to debate or argue a subject”. Logic, one of the components of  Philosophy teaches us to be inquisitive so as to detect FAULTY arguments similar to the one put out by Ridhuan Tee and company.

One interesting fact about  Logic is that we can easily pair Ridhuan Tee’s argument with another similarly premised piece in order to bring out the stupidity of his argument with more clarity.

In Ridhuan Tee’s dim-witted argument we can see the parallel premised piece below:

“Alexander the Great stopped a beer barrel.

Alexander was buried; he who is buried becomes dust; what becomes dust is earth; earth is probably made loam; what probably made loam would stop a beer-barrel; therefore Alexander stopped a beer-barrel.”

It is time for the politicians and academics to reflect logically when verbalising their arguments.

“Whenever men debate, discuss, and argue, Logic is a court of appeal in the background …. Logic trains the mind to draw the right conclusion, and to avoid the wrong, to make the true inference and not the false.” (A.A.Luce – Logic)
