Saying the damndest things…


It’s alarming to see how the Red Shirt Malays can’t tell the difference between what’s good for them and what’s good for Najib.


Malays somehow keep producing leaders who say the damndest things. As a Malay, I can’t help feeling embarrassed by their antics. There was the judge of the Shariah Court who declared that anyone who left PAS would also lose their wives forever. Not to be outdone, an UMNO leader (a Tan Sri, no less) has just said it’s okay to be racist, so long as it’s Islamic. Soon we can expect another brilliant statement that it’s acceptable to be corrupt if the act has an Islamic flavour.annuar_musa_racist1

In the wake of the Red Shirts rally, its organiser said it was okay to chant “Cina babi” as it is not a racial slur. I am sure if we were substitute “Cina” with the name of the UMNO President, all hell will break loose. In Kota Bharu, UMNO showed its brazen lack of intelligence by burning effigies of some Chinese leaders. What it means is that the UMNO/Red Shirt Malays are no longer capable of being normal people. They no longer have the faintest idea of what it means to be fair-minded. They believe they can say and do things that others are not allowed to.

The newspaper Utusan Malaysia chided those who opposed the Red Shirt rally by asking why it was all right for the Yellows to gather but not the Reds. The answer is obvious: the Yellows had grievances which many people consider to be legitimate. They protested the conduct of the Government by gathering in remarkable numbers for two days, and they did so peacefully. The Reds, on the other hand, were apparently only interested in demanding a piece of Petaling Street without having to do any work, while “proving” that Dato Sri Najib Razak has support. Unfortunately, they also showed that his supporters are made up mainly of foul-mouthed racists.

UMNO has willfully and actively encouraged this degradation of Malay morals. The party is so obsessed with money and power that it has no interest whatsoever in guiding Malays on how to conduct themselves properly when engaging with others, in having the right frame of mind and in understanding the values that others appreciate and gravitate to.

In fact, it looks to me that UMNO is even willing to turn Malays into violent rogues so they can be used to instill fear in the rest of the populace. These UMNO leaders, who had the opportunity to earn their degrees overseas and who have fancy titles of every kind appended to their names, are shameless. They are willing to destroy the character and personality of the Malay community just for their political ends.

What has been equally shameful and pathetic is how religious clerics have chosen to remain absolutely silent about the conduct of the Red Shirt ruffians. These preachers are supposed to defend the principles of good behaviour amongst Muslims. It seems the moral degradation of Malays has spread to the Islamic clergy as well, thanks to UMNO.

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