The pride and dignity of your race


That was the secret of the English success. But in Malaysia we have so many different religions. So we are still going to be divided even 2,000 years to come. So, if we want to achieve what England achieved, we need to all follow just one religion. Then, 1,000 or 2,000 years from now, there will be just one Malaysian race, just like there is only one English race today.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Life is so much easier for you Malaysians. You know who you are. You are either Malays, Chinese, Indians or ‘lain-lain’. In England it is a bit more difficult. We do not know who we are — unless you are of African, Chinese or Indian continent origin (Pakistanis included) and came to England since after WWII.

So we cannot tell an Englishman to go back to wherever it is he came from. I mean, in Malaysia we can tell a Chinese to go back to China, an Indian to go back to India, a Malay to go back to Indonesia, an Orang Asli to go back to Polynesia, and so on.

But to where do you tell an Englishman to go back to, to Germany? And to whom do you return England to, to the Celts?

England actually belongs to the Celts. And the Celts were everywhere, all over Europe since the Iron Age. The three main Celt groups were the Gauls, the Britons and the Gaels.

Evidence shows that the Celts first came to England in 750 BC. That was about 2,765 or so years ago.

Then, in 55 BC, Julius Caesar and the Roman came to England and the country became part of the Roman Empire until 409-410. But the Romans did not call the people they found in England Celts. The Romans called them Britons, who were actually one branch of the Celts.

Over more than 400 years of Roman occupation, England saw mass migration by a mixture of people from north Germany, Denmark and northern Holland. Most were Saxons, Angles and Jutes. There were some Franks and Frisians too. If we use the modern names for the countries they came from, the Saxons, Franks and Frisians were German-Dutch, the Angles were southern Danish, and the Jutes were northern Danish.

In 793, the Vikings invaded England. Over hundreds of years, the people from Norway, Sweden and Finland migrated to England in large numbers and occupied various parts of England.

Then, in 1066, the Normans invaded England. The Normans were actually from France, from a region called Normandy. And they were originally pirates from Denmark, Norway and Iceland who had settled in that part of France 200 years earlier.

Today, there are no longer any Celt Britons. The English that you see today are a product of 2,000 years of conquest and intermarriage. No doubt, for more than 1,000 years since 55 BC, the people in England had been fighting one another.

And the Scots and Irish are still ‘fighting’ the ‘pendatang’ English until today while the Welsh refuse to speak English in Parliament and still insist that all road signs must be in Welsh plus English, which is actually French. In fact, the anti-United Kingdom SNP controls the Scottish Parliament and is still determined to pull Scotland out of Britain and declare independence.

So you see, what is happening in Malaysia today also happened in England since 2,000 years ago. Only that now the original Celt Britons have been totally ‘wiped out’ though intermarriage that they no longer exist. So the English no longer fight because there is no longer any original English to fight with.

It took 2,000 years for the original Celt Briton Englishman to disappear and to be replaced with the ‘modern’ Englishman. But that was only possible because they were all of the same religion and that made intermarriage possible.

This may never happen in Malaysia, not even in 2,000 years, because intermarriage in Malaysia is almost impossible due to religious reasons. If the Malays, Chinese, Indians and ‘lain-lain’ were all of the same religion, like in England over 2,000 years since 55 BC, then in time Malaysia could become like England — no more Celt Britons and everyone is an Englishman.

The bottom line to my ‘thesis’ is that race is not the problem in Malaysia, as many believe. The problem is religion. In England, everyone discarded their old (and many different) pagan religions and became Christians. (And those who refused to become Christians were exterminated by the church — ethnic cleansing in the name of Jesus).

That was the secret of the English success. But in Malaysia we have so many different religions. So we are still going to be divided even 2,000 years to come. So, if we want to achieve what England achieved, we need to all follow just one religion. Then, 1,000 or 2,000 years from now, there will be just one Malaysian race, just like there is only one English race today.

But then, after all that, the English once again divided themselves. And the division is, in fact, very serious. But it is not race or religion that divides the Englishman. It is football, the new religion of the English. Today, more English watch football than those who go to church.

Ironical is it not? But then that is what happens when most, if not all, English have Viking blood flowing through their veins. They just love fighting.

