After Khalid, is Azmin next to go?


I never knew I would ever say this but the Opposition needs to learn some leadership qualities from BN. Despite the worst ever corruption scandal, look at how UMNO members stand together with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak

Karamjit Gill

From day one, the mere idea of Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail heading the Opposition coalition was a bad idea. I never supported that notion because she is no leader. Only the foolish could not see Azizah as a puppet. She has absolutely no quality besides crying. The Opposition pack is in disarray presently and Azizah has to harbor the blame because she has failed as the captain.

After an exhaustive battle ousting Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim with the ‘Kajang Move’, PKR’s Azmin Ali was appointed as the Menteri Besar of Selangor. Just as things look to be settling down, Lim Guan Eng and his DAP buddies are unhappy with Azmin now. DAP drew first blood by sacking PAS members from the Penang state government. They persistently condemn Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and keep accusing him of being a traitor.

First, they got rid of PAS from Penang. Then, despite Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s plea to work together with PAS, Guan Eng insisted on not obeying the request of the Opposition’s de-facto leader. PAS is a no-go for Guan Eng in the forming of a new Opposition coalition. Next, Azmin called for a truce between DAP and PAS. Again, Guan Eng did not agree. In order to fulfill his lust for the post of MB, Azmin said he would remain to work with PAS at the state level instead. Even Rafizi seconded the idea of PKR working together with PAS in Selangor. Wan Azizah blessed this notion from Azmin as well. However, DAP’s Ram Karpal is now unhappy and has issued an ultimatum to Azmin to pick either DAP or PAS.

At the same time, DAP members have now started to question Azmin on the formation of Darul Ehsan Investment Group (DEIG) to carry out functions of the state. They want Azmin to first resolve matters regarding Menteri Besar Selangor Incorporation (MBI) before proceeding with DEIG. DAP’s Teo Nie Ching and Azmin are acting like little children calling each other childish on their personal space on Twitter.

What a mockery the Opposition leaders have become. How can you convince the country that you can govern the nation when you people are acting like stubborn fools? Nobody is willing to let go of their ego and come to a consensus. There are ongoing talks now that DAP might be a stand-alone party in Pakatan even without PKR. Come GE 14, you all will suddenly make love and try to convince the people that all problems have resolved, just as you did for GE13. And here we say Barisan Nasional has no integrity. How hypocritical!

I never knew I would ever say this but the Opposition needs to learn some leadership qualities from BN. Despite the worst ever corruption scandal, look at how UMNO members stand together with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. People predicted the sacking of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal from UMNO. Some were saying that there would be a notion to force Najib’s resignation during the UMNO supreme council meeting. Did anything of that sort happen? Everyone very well knows the answer.

Muhyiddin and Najib shook hands and called a truce, at least for the time being. Nothing adverse went against the PM. Suddenly, the whole of UMNO is laughing at the opposition because everything that was supposed to happen did not happen. The truth is UMNO is a way stronger pillar than the Opposition. Say what you like, but the President of UMNO always commanded authority as a leader from his members, unlike Wan Azizah. You may have sputters here and there speaking against the UMNO President, but in general the members stand by their leader.

Weaknesses of BN are known. However, that does not guarantee people will vote against BN because the Opposition has a lot of uncertainties with regards to leadership capability. They can never decide on a single thing consensually, how are their going to govern a country? If they go on like this, I am afraid it might take them one full electoral term to decide who is going to be Prime Minister if they emerge victorious next GE to form the government.

I wonder if DAP is going to initiate another move to oust Azmin next with intentions of taking over Selangor too. Guan Eng certainly seems to want to do that. Only time will tell.

