Umno man claims Beijing envoy’s comment proves Chinese Malaysians can return to China

Jamal Yunos

(Malay Mail Online) – Unlike the Malays, Malaysia’s ethnic Chinese can opt for China if they are dissatisfied with their lives here, Umno grassroots leader Datuk Jamal Yunos asserted today.

The Sungai Besar Umno division chief pointed to the controversial remarks made by Chinese ambassador to Malaysia Dr Huang Huikang during a walkabout in Petaling Street as his proof.

“This is a clear message that the ethnic Chinese have a place to complain and protect their rights apart from Malaysia.

“They have land or their country of origin China, and if anything were to happen to them they still have a place to rely on,” Jamal said in a statement.

Huang was reported saying Friday that Beijing would not hesitate to speak out against any threat that may affect the country’s ties with Malaysia, which Jamal insisted showed Chinese Malaysians had an alternative land to call home.

The man who has been making waves with the pro-Malay “red shirts” further argued that this was the reason why Malays had to defend their rights in Malaysia as they had no other country to turn to.

“We have to take care of and protect every inch of this Malay land. There is nowhere else for us on this earth apart from our beloved Malaysia.

“So let’s stand up and unite in the name of Malays and Islam, to take care of our homeland from any threat and exploitation, be it explicit or implicit,” the #Merah169 rally leader said.

He also said that Malaysia was the only thing left behind by the “warriors and ancestors” of the Malays which was why it was all the more important for the race to protect it from all threats.

Jamal was the key figure in the recent Malaysia Day street demonstration that saw thousands of red shirted Malays bussed into the city rallying for the protection of their rights and dignity, which had ostensibly been under threat during the Bersih 4 protest two weeks earlier.

In his statement today, Jamal also thanked Huang for his concerns over the grouses of the Chinese vendors in Petaling Street.

Huang in his speech during his walkabout of the area known as Chinatown was likely referring to rising ethnic tensions in Malaysia following the September 16 #Merah169 or red shirts rally that saw protesters attempting to breach police barricades outside Petaling Street.

During the September 16 gathering, police fired water cannons at protesters attempting to breach a barricade outside Petaling Street.

After the rally, #Merah169 spokesman Datuk Jamal Md Yunos revealed another rally there, and warned of a possible riot it authorities do not take action against the Chinese traders in Petaling Street.

The rally was eventually cancelled after Jamal was arrested over the warning on Friday and released later.

Huang, however, was summoned to meet with Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin, who is the acting foreign minister, yesterday to explain his remarks that Beijing would not hesitate to speak out against any threat that may affect the country’s ties with Malaysia. 
