Drastic Desperado Doublespeak


KTemoc Konsiders

10 days ago I posted There are criminals and then there are criminals in which I mentioned Mahathir stating (reported by Malaysiakini) that PM Naib could even be arrested by police overseas?

I had then commented: What was not mentioned (because alas, it’s a bloody f* fact which you shouldn’t be bothered with) is that the PM or for that matter, any PM or diplomat, enjoys diplomatic immunity abroad and cannot be touched, with one exception, that on matters involving war crimes.

Then, a desperate Mahathir had resorted to using the example of Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir who is wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity in Darfur (but an alleged crime ignored by many Islamic countries, Russia and China, etc).

Is Najib also accused of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity? C’mon lah, Tun, don’t tembak with such an offensively outrageous odious comparison. 

Aiyoyo, pathetic lah. I was deeply disappointed by this once-strongman of Malaysia who was obviously desperately flinging poo around. We know he wants Najib out for his own political purpose.

