I like KEEMA but not KIMMA


Funny, but how can a person be an Indian Muslim and a Malay at the same time?

Fa Abdul, Free Malaysia Today

I like Keema. For those of you who had never heard of Keema, it is a famous Indian dish which has been prepared for several generations. It is cooked with ground mutton, lentils, sautéed vegetables, loads of potatoes and onions with curry powder as well as garam masala spices.

Preparing Keema isn’t difficult as long as you are patient. This is because there are many stages in making a good pot of Keema. First you need to salt the ground mutton and sizzle it in a pan until it browns just so. Then you set aside the mutton and throw in all chopped potatoes and vegetables into the pan and wait until it caramelises. Only then do the softened lentils, mutton and dry spices go in. In the final step we add vegetable stock, tomato paste and yogurt.

I fancy Keema so much that I tend to eat chapati, nan, puri, paratha and even tosai with it. But there is one thing which sounds like Keema but I cannot stand. And that’s KIMMA.

KIMMA or The Malaysian Indian Muslim Congress is a political party formed to represent the interests of the Indian Muslim community in Malaysia. The funny thing is, thirty five years after being established to protect the well-being of Indian Muslims, KIMMA now claims Indian Muslims are Malays.

Funny, but how can a person be an Indian Muslim and a Malay at the same time?

A Malay, according the Article 160 of our Federal Constitution is a person who is a Muslim, habitually speaks Malay and follows Malay customs. In my honest opinion, KIMMA does neither of this. They claim to be Malays but all their meetings are conducted in Tamil and their party song is sung in Tamil.  Even the members attending KIMMA’s event are usually spotted being dressed in kurta.

Err, can someone please tell me which part of these reflects the Malay custom?

Sorry to say but it seems to me that KIMMA is exploiting their religion for personal benefit.

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