PAS should join Pakatan Harapan, says MP Khalid

khalid Samad

He tells PAS members to take their party back to the mainstream by pressuring it to join Pakatan Harapan.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad has urged PAS members who love their party but are disappointed by its marginalisation to grit their teeth and join Pakatan Harapan, saying this would eventually force the Islamist party to get back into the mainstream by joining the new opposition coalition.

In an interview with FMT, Khalid said PAS was now a party “on the fringes.”

Khalid said those who believed PAS should join Pakatan Harapan should assist in strengthening the coalition to ensure that it gains popular support.

“The only way to get PAS to rejoin mainstream politics is to strengthen Pakatan Harapan and Parti Amanah Negara,” he said, referring to the new party formed by former PAS members. Khalid is a member of Amanah’s central committee.

He said PAS would realise that it was heading in the wrong political direction if Pakatan Harapan proved to be politically strong. It would then see that it should be part of the coalition, he added.

Pakatan Harapan is currently made up of DAP, PKR and Amanah.


