Too much propaganda


Another Brick in the Wall

When an answer to an enquiry is not accepted or disputed, the onus is on the enquirer to open his or her hand and divulge the proofs.

For seven months and approaching eight, Tun Dr Mahathir has been making his allegations in the form of answer-seeking questions. His response to the answers is to doubt it, and change goalposts with new enquiries arising from the answers.

By right, he is supposed to divulge his proofs. When that failed, then one resigned to God’s judgement as RPK wrote here to correct Ummi Hafilda,

If Tun M has all the proofs as one officer bearer of Perkasa and apentaksub claimed, why is he not divulging his proofs with the next Parliament seating around the corner? The pentaksub claimed some 8 government and intelligent-related agencies cc-ed a report on 1MDB to Tun M.

The same question was posed to a former officer to a recently removed Minister.

Why not reveal it and get it over with? His reply was Tun M does not have it. If so, is this all propaganda or psychological warfare meant to bring Dato Najib down?

If the proofs in convincing and not just the simplistic conclusions from common man’s logic, no red demonstration can save Najib. Why waste time?

So much time wasted by Goebbel’s propaganda tell a lie big enough that they will end up believing. The public focus has diverted from the real problems of 1MDB to unproven allegations.

The public have concluded that there was money channeled into Najib’s personal account although there are doubts on the documents revealed by WSJ, Najib’s statement that he had indirectly admitted by claiming not benefiting personally.

In a court of law, he can still get away and not taken as admitting.

Agenda setting

Tun M had repeatedly commented the money is from 1MDB and not from an Arab donor. That is a Goebbel’s propaganda technique to repeat till it sink in the public psyche. But it is no proof.

Propaganda is a technique in communication to influence the attitude of a segment of people. It gives out one sided information to appeal to the emotion and not so much a rational response to the information to achieve a set agenda.

Till today, Tun M’s agenda is unclear.

In the session with bloggers, he was concerned with Sirul’s death sentence, BR1M, GST and 1MDB. When posed with a question, only did he raised concern on Malay issues. His latest posting here did not raised it. So it is not so much about the usual alif ba ta.

The issue of BR1M is not raised again. It indicate he will not touch unpopular issues. It does not serve the agenda set to bring Najib down. Still the question why?

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