Nobody so loved as to get RM2.6b for nothing, Dr M says


(Malay Mail Online) – Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said it would be farfetched for anyone to claim that they have such generous supporters willing to part with RM2.6 billion to ensure they remain in power, without reason.

In a direct reference to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the elder politician said no prime minister in any country in the world will have that much money in their private bank accounts without an explanation.

“Nobody in this world will give RM2.6 billion to someone just because they are so loved and they want them to win,” he said at a high-tea talk organised by the Pusat Bandar Taman Cempaka Umno branch here.

“If there truly is one, I would also like to meet that person. But you don’t need to give me 2.6 billion… 2.5 billion is enough,” he added to the amusement of the crowd.

Dr Mahathir who has been running a campaign against his one-time protege over the debt-riddled 1 Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), claimed that everything, from politics to the economy, racial and social integration, in the country has deteriorated since Najib took power.

He accused the prime minister of abusing the law by clamping down on dissent — such as the recent use of the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) on 1MDB critic Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan — which is perpetuating fear of repercussions against those who would otherwise speak out.

The Malays at the same time must stop being afraid of their own shadow and have the courage to confront their fears if they want to restore their dignity lost under Najib’s leadership, Dr Mahathir added.

“We must be brave to restore our dignity. If we are faced with a leader we do not believe in, take action and tell them they must go.

“Najib must be brought down, but if only I talk about it they can ignore me… I want to see Najib resign and not whisper about it,” the former prime minister said.

Najib has been implicated in corruption investigations into 1MDB after US-based Wall Street Journal reported in July some US$700 million was funnelled through several government entities into the prime minister’s personal bank accounts two months before the tumultuous May 5, 2013 general elections.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission has since announced that the money deposited into Najib’s accounts was a donation from a Middle Eastern source.

The prime minister has also denied using any public money, including from 1MDB, for personal benefit, though questions have mounted over the source and purpose of the funds.
