‘Rotten fish’ syndrome in Umno


Fix the head first, says branch leader in call for action to revive party

(Free Malaysia Today) – In order to revive Umno, the “head” must be fixed first, an Umno branch leader said, using the “rotten fish” analogy popularised by the MCA in a past power struggle.

Syed Saifuddin Syed Harman, head of Pusat Bandar Taman Chempaka Umno branch, said: “Fish always go rotten from its head. They never go rotten from the tail, which is why we have to fix the head first.”

Speaking at a high-tea public forum organised by the branch, attended by former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Syed Saifuddin urged all Umno members to support Dr Mahathir and not let the former premier fight his battle alone to revive Umno. Mahathir although old was still fighting for the country, he said.

Dr Mahathir has waged a relentless campaign all year to force Umno president and prime minister Najib Razak out of office.



