Don’t take credit for work of others


Lim Chuan Heng, The Rakyat Post

THE Selangor water conundrum has always been an issue close to my heart and many others in the state as we have frequently faced water cuts and rationing.

I understand the difficulty in solving this issue as there are many stake holders and the tremendous amount of red tape that is involved.

Well, the previous Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, found the water issue to be his Waterloo when his detractors used it as one of their weapons to remove him.

If I am not mistaken, the state had been negotiating on this water issue with the federal government since 2008 and they managed to get it resolved last year.

He signed the much anticipated agreement with the federal government just before he was practically “booted” out of office.

Much groundwork had been done by the state prior to this, but much of it was shrouded in secrecy.

I do not know why it was kept secret, but the politicians found it suspicious and out he went.

Fast forward one year later. We have new MB in the form of Mohamed Azmin Ali and he has signed more agreements with the federal government.

But he goes on to say that he has managed to solve Selangor water woes in one year since he took over.

I read this with amusement, wondering how could he take credit for all the work done by others.

It sounded as if he started from ground zero and managed to solve it.

I feel he should at least acknowledge the contributions of his predecessor although they may be political enemies.

As a politician, I feel humility is an important virtue and it now seems to be lost among Malaysian politicians.

Azmin should not take credit for the effort of others, instead he should stand out and make his own mark.

The DAP and PKR have frequently accused the Barisan Nasional parties of hypocrisy, but looks like they are no better.

They accused Khalid of all sorts of allegations, but one year later, everything seem to have disappeared.

The court case where Khalid sued former PKR secretary-general Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail for defamation over his allegations during the Selangor political crisis was also settled with apologies.

Why didn’t none of the parties pursue the allegations?

I hope they were not just trumped up charges as we, the people of Selangor, were made to believe that the removal of Khalid was absolutely necessary for the benefit of us.

Let us all end this politicking for the benefit of the ordinary man in the street, who is just trying to make ends meet in this trying times.

