I accept your challenge, Liong Sik tells Najib


The former MCA president says he’s ready for a court battle for saying the PM stole money from the people.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Former MCA President Ling Liong Sik has refused to apologise to Prime Minister Najib Razak for accusing him of having “taken the people’s money.”

In a press statement today, Ling said he had decided to accept Najib’s “challenge” to a court battle.

He said he was “extremely surprised” when he received a letter from Najib’s lawyers, which demanded a retraction, an unequivocal apology and reasonable compensation. The letter also threatened a defamation suit.

Ling said it also surprised him that the contents of the letter were “splashed all over the media.”

“Thus, I feel compelled to issue this press statement,” he said. “I say to the Prime Minister, if you choose to sue me, I will defend myself.

“In all humility, I accept your challenge.

“I look forward to seeing the Prime Minister take the witness stand, as no doubt he would do if he says his reputation is at stake.”


