Kit Siang: Guessing game on confidence move, new PM


Malaysia is in uncharted waters and developments can suddenly become very quick and fast-paced.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Whatever is in store in the coming days, weeks and months, said DAP elder statesman Lim Kit Siang, three factors which developed in the past 48 hours are new and important for Umno/Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs to consider as to what stand they should take in any no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

The first, said Lim who is also DAP Parliamentary Leader and Gelang Patah MP, was the Rulers’ historic and unprecedented statement on 6 October on 1MDB, Rukun Negara, Constitution, rule of law and national unity.

Secondly, said Lim, the thunderous silence of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet on the Rulers’ statement; and

Finally, Umno Vice-President Hishammuddin Hussein’s clarification on October 6 that support by any Umno/BN MP or leader for a no confidence motion against Najib as Prime Minister was no breach of party discipline.

In these circumstances, added Lim, the question is whether there will be a motion of no confidence against Najib in the forthcoming Parliament beginning on October 19. “What are the chances of success of such a motion; and who is likely to succeed Najib as the Prime Minister of Malaysia?”

“Malaysia was in uncharted waters as far as the no-confidence motion against the Prime Minister in Parliament was concerned, and developments can suddenly become very quick and fast-paced.”

The whole country, in fact the world which is concerned about developments in Malaysia, continued Lim, has woken up to the dangers in store for the country “if we continue on our present trajectory”.

“Could it be that the Prime Minister and the Cabinet are still ‘sleep-walking’?”


