Time To Ship MCA Out


It is better to remove MCA leaders from all posts and hand them over to MIC. MIC will do a much better job and definitely has more hope of gaining back Indian votes rather than MCA gaining Chinese votes.

Rasyhid Hamzan

The Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), a component of Barisan Nasional, has become more of a menace lately. Post GE13 following their atrocious performance, the MCA leadership declared that they would not want any ministerial positions till they strengthen and prove themselves to BN.

Not long after, they realised they were fading out of the political scene and therefore had to put on a thick face and begged Prime Minister Najib for positions that they ultimately received. Now, some are forgetting their skin and speaking against the same leadership that gave them recognition. If they have something against the current leadership, they should voice their concern directly rather than trying to be heroes publicly.

Very recently, during his defense of Chinese-based schools, Deputy Education Minister Senator Chong Sin Woon claimed that almost all MCA members attended Chinese vernacular schools that do not brew racism. Instead, he ridiculed DAP members for not being able to speak Chinese and attended National Schools. His statement insinuated that national schools brew racism while Chinese schools don’t. When he realised how stupid his statement was, he tried to neutralize it but it was too late by then.

This is the same fool who went against BN’s leadership and said MCA members can take part in a rally deemed illegal by the government. I wonder if Chong’s vernacular education made it difficult for him to comprehend something spoken in Bahasa Malaysia or English that he keeps speaking in a tone different to that of the leadership in BN.

Let me remind Chong that he does not deserve to be where he is. He is merely there because MCA back-tracked on their own stand and cried to the PM for sympathy. If you are a man of integrity, resign from your post and try to get there legitimately, not through the back door.

MCA has absolutely no support from the Chinese and they will never get it back. The Chinese have outrightly rejected them. For the Chinese community, only one party represents them and that is DAP. What is MCA’s use in BN? They are like mosquitoes – noisy and irritating.

Compare MCA with MIC. The lower income Indians in Malaysia still rely on MIC for assistance. When Indians face problems they go to MIC for help. In fact, we see MIC fighting for the rights of Indians vociferously. Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam seems to be a man on a mission and seems to be making the right decisions. He is proactively trying to revamp the entire organization. Even when he disagrees with UMNO, he does it professionally and ensures he does not harm BN.

Does the Chinese approach MCA for anything? Do they do anything at all besides being an empty vessel? What is their role in BN?

Prime Minister Najib and UMNO should re-evaluate their partnership with MCA. It is better to remove MCA leaders from all posts and hand them over to MIC. MIC will do a much better job and definitely has more hope of gaining back Indian votes rather than MCA gaining Chinese votes.

MCA is a liability to BN. They have showed that they are like kacang lupakan kulit. It would be in the best interests of BN to part ways with them. There would definitely be no loss without MCA in the coalition.

