Misinformed and missing the target


Big Dog

The Council of Rulers through the Keeper of the Ruler’s Seal yesterday issued a statement about their concern regarding 1MDB and the matter has been presented as if being perceived by HRHs as not being solved within the acceptable period.

Probably HRHs would consider paying a little more attention to the IS matter. Firstly, all HRHs are Constitutional Heads of Islam in their respective states. IS is a matter where the teachings of Islam have been distorted for militancy purposes.

Secondly, IS managed to find its way into the imagination and aspiration of many Malaysian Muslims. This should be a very worrying matter since they see the ‘Jihad’ brought through the IS struggle as a salvation against the peril of modern life, especially against the interests of Muslims universally.

The third point is that all HRHs are Regimental Heads of the various units of the Armed Forces. His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong is the Commander-in-Chief of the Malaysian Armed Forces.

It is very alarming that eleven members of His Majesty’s Armed Forces, who have received training in handling weapons, have been arrested by the Police for IS related activities. This itself is a matter of grave concern.

Hence, HRHs should want to highlight for all Armed Forces services and outfit pay more attention on their servicemen and servicewomen and to take necessary steps to avoid them being influenced and drawn into the falsehood of militancy in the name of Islam through the IS jihad.

The fourth point is, it is obvious that Malaysia has been identified as a nurturing ground for a growing global terrorism and extremists adulterating the teachings of Islam for crimes against humanity purposes.

Regardless, the rising number of Malaysians arrested for IS is alarming. This warrants a statement of the Council of Rulers, if at all they wanted to highlight on a matter of public interest involving crime.


