Open letter to Hishammuddin Hussein


Can you name me one other occasion in recent times where the Rulers have even remotely commented on issues of national interest?

Kamal Joshua

To Hishammuddin Hussein:

I refer to this article ( where you were quoted as saying “If they don’t trust his leadership, they would have just said it as it is”.

Fact of the matter as both you and I know it is that the Rulers by convention are seen and not heard. Can you name me one other occasion in recent times where the Rulers have even remotely commented on issues of national interest? The fact that the Rulers have even come out with this sort of statement itself should send alarm bells ringing that all is indeed not well.

Why don’t YOU say it as it is and admit that people are just fed-up of Umno and get your boss and his gang (including you) to leave. Just face it – UMNO’s time is over. This is 2015, not 1945. Malaysians are not going to fall for Umno’s desperate cling to power by using all the tactics we know you are.
