Khairuddin, Chang charged for sabotaging economy


Khairuddin and Chang were charged on Monday with “sabotaging the banking and financial services’ of Malaysia”.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Khairuddin Abu Hassan and Matthias Chang were charged on Monday with “sabotaging the banking and financial services’ of Malaysia”.

Magistrate Siti Radziah Kamarudin has set October 26 for re-mention of the case involving Khairuddin, the sacked Umno Batu Kawan deputy divisional chief and his lawyer Chang and to sanction if the charge was under Sosma. She did not decide if the case was to be transferred to the High Court.

Both of them face charges under Section 124L of the Penal Code for sabotage, read together with Section 34 of the same Act. They were said to have committed the “act” in various countries such as France, England, Switzerland, Hong Kong and Singapore between June 28 and August 26.

Khairuddin understood the charge when the court interpreter read it in Malay.

However, Chang requested the charge to be read in English. His lawyer Zainur Zakaria then read it to him in English.

No plea was taken.

The duo appeared cheerful in court and acknowledged the applause from some court attendees.

Deputy public prosecutor Masri Daud asked the court for a one month period to have the case transferred to the High Court and to prepare the documents.

However, Khairuddin and Chang’s lawyer Haniff Khatri Abdulla objected on the grounds that one month was too long a period. “It should be transferred immediately to let the court decide whether the charge falls under the Penal Code or Sosma,” he said.

He added there was no need to gather evidence as the case will be argued on point of law.

After the proceedings, Haniff told reporters that the lawyers tried to get an order from the Chief Judge to review the transfer.

Khairuddin told reporters, amidst cheers as he left the dock, that “I will make sure that Najib (Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak) will be handcuffed.”


