MCA’s blind loyalty to BN has sealed its irrelevant status


Should MCA be most loyal to the BN, to effect change from within or the Chinese people, who are being fingered as the bogeyman by racial extremists and who it fights for?

Robin Stanley Augustin, The Ant Daily

How the mighty have fallen. MCA, as we know is no longer the mighty party it once was.

The many who once had supported the party have abandoned it at the polls, evidenced by the party’s dismal showing in the past two general elections.

Critics of the party often highlight its subservience to ‘Big Brother’ Umno, not doing enough to stand up to racist remarks from ministers, and the party’s loyalty to the BN.

Dr Wee Ka SiongDr Wee Ka Siong

Despite the current controversies surrounding the government, helmed by Prime Minister Najib Razak, it seems the MCA is sticking with the coalition.

According to a recent Bernama report, MCA deputy president Dr Wee Ka Siong said MCA will continue to support the existing government leadership, despite the “negative issues” from several quarters.

“As a party, we will do the best to find a solution to any problem and strengthen the spirit of camaraderie in the party,” he said after launching the SME Business and Financial Solutions 2015 seminar.

He was commenting on a statement by MCA former president Dr Ling Liong Sik who defended his stand supporting the call by former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, for Najib to resign as prime minister.

Wee said leaders, whether still serving in the government or not, have a right to voice their opinion on any issue.

“We respect their opinion…within a party, views may not be 100% similar. However, in the case of MCA, our support will still be with the current government.”

Well, Wee’s statement is not the least bit surprising.
