An evening with ex-Muslims

Farouk A Peru

The great Ahmed Deedat pointed to the increase in Muslims worldwide as proof of Islam’s truth. I now realise it was proof of lack of family planning. Quantity of people over quality of life.

Farouk A. Peru, TMI

Growing up, the idea of Muslims leaving Islam was something difficult to contemplate, almost unfathomable. Muslims were born into their faith and remained therein for the rest of their lives.

Even those who converted remained or at worst, quietly left. This was a source of pride (outsiders may insinuate ego) among Muslims.

The great Ahmed Deedat pointed to the increase in Muslims worldwide as proof of Islam’s truth. I now realise it was proof of lack of family planning. Quantity of people over quality of life.

Amid all that, the “traitors” of the Muslim tribe emerged. There was Salman Rushdie with his highly blasphemous “Satanic Verses”.

There was Taslima Nasreen with her view on how the Quran should be changed. Muslims did not react well to these two, as I remember.

These two were only the beginning, apparently.

I recently attended an event organised by the Council of Ex-Muslims Britain. A conservative traditionalist Muslim might ask me, why on earth would I attend such an event? Had I lost faith at last?

Since I am a Quranist, some traditionalists would claim no surprise as they see Quranism as the last stop before complete atheism. Well if it is, then I have been at this “last stop” for nearly 20 years!

No, I was there for a number of reasons. Firstly, I am interested in ex-Muslims as a social phenomenon. Why are they emerging into public life now? What are their narratives like? Where do they go after leaving Islam? These are fascinating questions for me.

Secondly, I consider this a test of my faith. Ex-Muslims would ask some difficult questions to challenge my faith. These are the fires which purify the steel of one’s faith. If you cannot listen to dissenting views, then is your faith really that pure to begin with?

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