Did Cecil Abraham & Abu Kassim lie to Court to abort Trial


Din Merican

Life is indeed full of twists and turns. A very short while ago, Malaysians used to revile former Attorney-General Gani Patail and the MACC. Suddenly, the recent issues on 1MDB and the RM 2.6 billion in the Prime Minister’s personal  account have made them popular and the public’s hero.

Malaysians are prepared to forgive their past abuses because they now seemed to be the only hope to rid the country of a greater evil. Malaysians sympathised with them easily believing that they can change things this time. Can they? Or are we being foolishly hopeful without understanding the facts correctly.

A-G Gani PatailThe Sacked Attorney-General

We sympathised with former A-G Gani Patail because we believed that he was suddenly sacked when he was about to charge Prime Minister Najib Razak for corruption offences. But has he said or done anything to change things after that? Absolutely nothing! So, in fact he has perpetuated Najib Razak’s hold on power by his silence after previously covering up for Najib in the Altantuya murder case and the Scorpene submarine scandal.

Malaysians also defended the MACC when it was under siege, its officers arrested and two of its directors were transferred to the PM’s Department. But during that period, its No.1 and No.2 went missing in action (MIA). Later, we gave a heroes’ welcome to its Deputy Commissioner Dato Shukeri Abdul who purportedly returned from USA. Has he done anything significant since his return? Nothing! Absolutely nothing!

Kevin MoraisThe Late Kevin Morais

On 1st October, MACC’s No. 1 Tan Sri Abu Kassim appeared on TV to officiate the Kevin Morais Moot Court in honour of Kevin who died tragically cemented in an oil drum. I have seen Kevin Morais in court during the trial of Rosli Dahlan. In deference to a dead man, I will say nothing about him, but it is so obvious that the MACC is capitalising on Kevin’s death to improve its battered image.

Yesterday, the MACC issued a statement to announce the return to office of its No. 1 Abu Kassim. The MACC made such a big hullaballoo about it and asked all the media to post this announcement:

Kenyataan Media SPRM:

Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM Tan Sri Abu Kassim Akan Masuk Pejabat Esok


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته dan salam 1Malaysia

Ketua Pengarang/ Pengarang Berita

Dengan segala hormatnya perkara di atas adalah dirujuk.

2. Bersama ini dilampirkan bersama KENYATAAN MEDIA SPRM : Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM Tan Sri Abu Kassim Akan Masuk Pejabat Esok bertarikh 12 Oktober 2015.

3. Kerjasama YBhg. Dato’ Sri/Dato’/Dr/Tuan/ Puan dalam menghebahkan kenyataan media ini didahului dengan ribuan terima kasih.

Sekian, terima kasih.



Bahagian Komunikasi Strategik,

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia

But this announcement that Abu Kassim is now fit to go back to office on October 12 contradicted the letter dated October 6 written by MACC’s lawyer Tan Sri Cecil Abraham that Abu Kassim is on medical leave (MC) until October 16. Cecil did that in order to abort the trial of Rosli’s case against the MACC:


