So the 1MDB documents were tampered after all


So let us see what happens from hereon. If I were a gambling man I would put my money on Tony Pua and Sufi Yusof following in the footsteps (or is it footprints?) of Khairuddin Abu Hassan and Matthias Chang. This is getting more interesting, is it not?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(Bernama) – Swiss national Xavier Andre Justo has appealed against the three-year prison term handed down by the Bangkok South Criminal Court on August 17 for blackmailing his former employer PetroSaudi International.

His new lawyer Worrasit Piriyawiboon filed the appeal in court this morning with 59 pages of supporting documents, just two days before the period to appeal expired.

Among the reasons for the appeal was that Justo did not tamper with the documents he obtained from PetroSaudi International and that it was his first offence.

Worrasit said any damage to the image of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak was because of the activities of third parties who doctored or tampered with the documents that they received from Justo.

He said Justo did not tamper with the documents himself.

“They who doctored the information have to take responsibility and face legal action,” Worrasit told Bernama after filing the appeal here today.

Worrasit said in his opinion, Justo’s role in the case was not serious as the documents were tampered by other people. (READ MORE HERE)


So it is true after all. According to Xavier Andre Justo’s lawyer, the stolen documents that The Edge (and Sarawak Report) published were doctored or tampered with. This, therefore, changes the entire scenario because it would mean that this whole so-called expose was not about revealing the truth but to discredit Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

This is called Machiavellian Politics where the ends justify the means. In case some of you mother-tongue education people do not know what that phrase means, the ends justify the means is an English saying where if a goal is morally important enough then any method of achieving it is acceptable. For example, it is morally right to tax rich Chinese to extend financial aid to poor Malays and natives if your objective is to reduce the economic gap between the haves and the haves-not.

Of course while in the case of fabricating evidence to fix up the Prime Minister may be acceptable to some people, these same people will not agree that taxing the Chinese to help the Malays is also acceptable. Most Malaysians are selective when it comes to what is right and what is wrong. Right is what benefits me and wrong is that which does not benefit me. So if it helps bring down the Prime Minister then wrong can become right.

Anyway, now it is confirmed that Justo just stole the data. He did not doctor or tamper with that data. The Edge, on the other hand, also denies doctoring or tampering with that data. They claim they published the data exactly as they received it without any alterations or amendments to it.

If what The Edge claims is true (which we do not know yet whether they are telling the truth or are lying) that means someone in the middle did the doctoring or tampering. And that can only be the broker or brokers.

Those brokers who acted on behalf of the seller and the buyer of that stolen data so far identified are Clare Rewcastle Brown of Sarawak Report, Tony Pua of DAP, and Sufi Yusof who works for Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. One of those three or all three were those who most likely doctored or tampered with the data if it was not Justo or The Edge who did it.

And this would make sense. The data in its original form would not be that sensational because it just reveals a normal course of business. However, if that data was doctored or tampered with to show something more sensational, then the value of that data would be enhanced and could fetch a higher price. The Edge would not want to pay millions for ‘tame’ data but they would if the data is very damaging to the Prime Minister.

So let us see what happens from hereon. If I were a gambling man I would put my money on Tony Pua and Sufi Yusof following in the footsteps (or is it footprints?) of Khairuddin Abu Hassan and Matthias Chang. This is getting more interesting, is it not?

