Feds Looking At Goldman’s Role In Malaysia 1MDB Scandal


(ValueWalk) – Goldman Sachs has made a pretty penny serving as an adviser to the politically connected 1Malaysia Development Bhd fund over the last several years. Now, however, the financial titan has been sucked into an ongoing investigation of the expanding 1MDB scandal.

According to knowledgeable sources who spoke to the Wall Street Journal this week, federal investigators at the FBI and the Justice Department have begun examining Goldman Sachs’s role in a series of transactions with 1MDB related to a broader investigation into possible money laundering and corruption at the Malaysian fund.

Malaysia's 1MDB spreads 1MDB Scandal
1MDB Scandal

More on 1MDB scandal

Analysts highlight that the expanding 1MDB scandal (investigators in five countries are currently probing 1MDB) makes clear the risk-filled path that Goldman Sachs has opted for in emerging markets in search of greater profits.

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