Mr. ISA slams SOSMA


When Mahathir said the Ringgit will not improve until Datuk Seri Najib Razak resigns he actually indirectly told us that he will continue to mastermind the destruction of the country’s economy by all means till his nemesis leaves and he gets to place his puppet at the helm again.

Tajuddin Rosli

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad together with his out-of-favour veteran Barisan Nasional leaders have come together and voiced disgust against the arrests of former Batu Kawan UMNO vice chief Khairuddin Abu Hassan and his lawyer Matthias Chang. While Mahathir claims the arrests are due to them being vocal against 1MDB, in reality that is not the reason they were arrested.

If speaking against 1MDB is a reason to detain someone under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA) then ‘Mr. Conspiracy’ Rafizi Ramli, ‘Mr. Selective Criticism’ Tony Pua, ‘Mr. Always Right’ Lim Guan Eng, Wanita Umno’s Anina Saadudin and many others would not be wandering around so freely.

Khairuddin and Matthias were arrested and are charged with attempting to sabotage the country’s banking and financial systems. It is not because of their loose tongues against 1MDB. In desperate attempts to condemn the country’s economy, Khairuddin and Matthias have been going on a crusade to numerous countries lodging police reports against 1MDB and the government. They embarked on a journey to tarnish the country with the aim of hitting our economy. This would further plunder the Ringgit and the entire nation suffers.

Both Khairuddin and Matthias have admitted to passing confidential documents to foreign agencies. Isn’t this an act of sabotage? Procuring confidential documents by any means itself is a crime, let alone selling it outside. Hence, their arrests are definitely legitimate and warranted.

When Mahathir said the Ringgit will not improve until Datuk Seri Najib Razak resigns he actually indirectly told us that he will continue to mastermind the destruction of the country’s economy by all means till his nemesis leaves and he gets to place his puppet at the helm again. It is an irony how people applaud the man who is actually making them suffer for his own personal agenda. The arrest of Khairuddin has dented Mahathir’s attempts therefore the sweeping move with his old guards.

Mahathir also slams SOSMA and claims his Internal Security Act (ISA) was less abusive and was never politically motivated. Just as how he claims he is not to be blamed for the sacking of High Court Judge Tun Salleh Abbas, he blames the Police for the arrests under ISA back then and denies instructing anything.

Maybe Mahathir forgot that as Home Minister he formally sanctioned two-years ISA detention orders for 49 Malaysians including seven MP’s from DAP, including the late Karpal Singh. He was internationally condemned for violating human rights and accused for cracking down members of the Opposition.

Mahathir’s ISA allowed initial detention of 60 days with unlimited renewals solely depending on the will of the Home Minister while SOSMA limits detention period for up to 28 days after which the Attorney-General can decide to prosecute on what charges. Lawyers of both Khairuddin and Matthias are lawfully challenging their detention.

Challenging a detention was unheard of with ISA. Lawyers had little or no access to ISA detainees and there was no room for questioning while SOSMA enables an arrest to be challenged. Even the Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) that has replaced ISA can be constitutionally challenged compared to Mahathir’s ISA.

Family members of those detained under ISA were not told where is the location of the arrested. Family could hardly get access to meet the ISA detainee. ISA is only a better system in Mahathir’s head. It is by far the worst thing to hit Malaysia after Mahathir.

Every time Mahathir thinks he has the upper hand by performing his lock-moves, Najib reverses it and Mahathir feels the pain. This battle between the giants is nowhere at its end. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the fight. Can Mahathir last the distance or will he tire himself out to defeat?

