PKR still hoping Pas will join Pakatan Harapan


(The Rakyat Post) – PKR is seen as still hoping for Pas to join the newly formed coalition Pakatan Harapan (PH) despite the Islamist party’s refusal to work alongside its breakaway, Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) and DAP.

PKR deputy president Mohamed Azmin Ali, however, said that its party has yet to receive a “final word” from Pas on their refusal to join the newly formed pact, PH.

“We have yet to be informed officially and so far, discussions are still underway.

“We are open to cooperation with all political parties as well as individuals who intend to fight for a change,” he told reporters at the PKR headquarters here today.

It was previously reported that Pas deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said the Islamist party was “fed up” with DAP’s political game and reiterated that Pas would not work with PH.

He said that Pas did not have the time to entertain DAP which constantly picked on their party.

Meanwhile, on former deputy higher education minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah’s decision to join PKR and work alongside the members, Mohamed Azmin described it as a “historical moment”.

“It would help to strengthen our efforts to cooperate and work harmoniously with other political parties,” he said.

