Role reversal for Mahathir and Najib


The PM, who promised a liberal style, has become authoritarian and the ex-PM actually sounds like a progressive democrat.

Ishmael Lim, Free Malaysia Today

It looks like the Samosa law is giving our senior and veteran politicians the thunder belly. Could it be that the triangular pastries from Najib’s kitchen were too spicy for them?

Matthias Chang and Khairuddin Abu Hassan, who are known Mahathir helpers, have been sent to the dungeon under the Sosma law. Tummy aches aside, the indignant Chang has sworn not to eat or drink until he is released.

The irrepressible Tun has little choice but to turn the detention of his two proxies into a war cry to extract outrage from the flagging anti-Najib campaign. Any energising drink will do at this stage.

The anti-Najib polemic has worn a little thin in recent days with the media having to recap the same arguments over and over. And now that two of Mahathir’s star proxies have been neutralised, how does he keep the momentum going? The impetus is clearly driven by Mahathir’s efforts. No effort, no budge.

The dissident camp has had a hard time overcoming its inertia since the Umno Supreme Council met last month. Muhyiddin effectively painted himself into a corner by saying that he would work for the good of the party above all else. So he couldn’t well be seen to be disruptive soon after making such conciliatory sounds. The nonagenarian Tun has had to do all the heavy lifting by himself since and spirits have been on the ebb.

Whether arranged or just fortuitous for the Tun, the pre-council meeting of the Rulers’ Conference produced a rare statement, calling for a swift resolution to the damaging 1MDB debacle and for those responsible to be brought to book. This provided the much needed shove to get Muhyiddin rolling once again so that the Tun would not have to play it solo.

There is no doubt that the royal decree, or “advisory” as those in the Najib camp would prefer, has invigorated the moderate seniors and veterans of Umno and BN enough to grace the press meet at Mahathir’s Perdana Foundation. Ku Li was seated conspicuously on Mahathir’s left and Muhyiddin on the right. That the old foes might have buried the hatchet speaks volumes for what could be a sign of interesting days to come. Others seated at the high table were Sanusi Junid, Shafie Apdal and Ong Tee Keat.

While all the talk is about moving a “no-faith vote” at the next sitting of parliament, which starts this Monday, Ku Li said it would be an exercise in futility as it is widely expected that the speaker would disallow the move. He promised to enlighten the media on the other options later. Ku Li’s cryptic options could possibly hinge on the role of parliament as well, provided there are sufficient numbers for the upcoming showdown.

Titanic struggle

All investigative efforts to take the lid off 1MDB’s pot of alleged improprieties have come to nought. Whether by hook or by crook, the lid has stayed stubbornly shut, and for whatever reasons, the investigators seem too scared or unsure if they are even supposed to follow the scent trail to conclusion.

Malaysians have never seen a titanic struggle of wills on this scale and with as many bends and twists.

The face-off between Najib and Mahathir was never going to be a duel fought according to Marquis of Queensbury rules. That was clear from the get-go. But it is ironic that the veterans, coordinated by Mahathir, should be the innovators by seeking to boldly go where no one has gone before, while the junior incumbents have taken siege positions behind fortress walls, quite willing to stamp out any perceived threats via old-fashioned iron-fisted might and draconian laws dressed up as new. There’s not even the pretence any more that the shoe must fit the Cinderellas in detention.

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