Saifuddin will have to watch his back in PKR

Saifuddin Abdullah

(The Rakyat Post) – After weeks of speculation, former Deputy Higher Education Minister and former Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah finally joined Parti Keadilan Rakyat today.

Although it was smiles at the PKR headquarters as he was welcomed with open arms, whispers amid smirks are going around among some party members.

While some hail it as a coup for the PKR, others are saying it was a colossal mistake for Saifuddin to join the party.

A senior party member said while it was good that Saifuddin had joined them, he warned that the former deputy minister should tread very carefully in the party.

“While the ideals of the party are good and it syncs well with him, he must remember never to cross swords with certain people in the party.

“For he will be doomed and end up being disenchanted. Just ask former PKR leaders Datuk Zaid Ibrahim and Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim. They will be able to tell him more.”

Zaid resigned after complaining of electoral irregularities in the party polls while Khalid was sacked from the party after refusing to vacate his Selangor Menteri Besar position.

A former PKR member said Saifuddin may soon realise that at times things may not be very different between Umno and PKR.

“I left the party as it was becoming very hegemonic and members are slapped with disciplinary action, whenever they are critical of the leadership. We are not allowed to speak out against certain people.

“If Saifuddin thinks he has managed to get past political manoeuvring days in Umno, he is in for surprise.

“But anyway let’s give him time and see how things go.”

He said it would have been best if Saifuddin had joined Parti Amanah Negara instead as it was a new party and needed more leaders.

“He would have slotted in well there and would be able to make a difference there.”

Another party member, who also wanted to be anonymous, said Saifuddin would not be making much difference to the party.

“What can he do? Not that he has strong grassroots support to bring over.

“He has basically joined PKR before risking being booted out of Umno.”

Saifuddin had already been issued a show cause letter for attending the round table discussions preceding the formation of Pakatan Harapan last month.

