PKR split over vote to oust Najib, says party source


(TMI) – PKR lawmaker Hee Loy Sian may have succeeded in getting Parliament to accept a motion of no confidence against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, but his party remains split about supporting the unprecedented move.

A party source said that one group in PKR believes Najib should be removed immediately, while another group wants him to serve out his term.

The split in the PKR ranks comes in spite of opposition MPs openly calling for Najib’s removal through Parliament for the past three months.

“One group believes that the longer Najib stays as prime minister, the worse it will be for Malaysia and he should be removed quickly,” the source told The Malaysian Insider on condition of anonymity.

“The other group believes that Najib should stay until the 14th general election, because it will make things easier for the opposition to win Putrajaya.”

The source said the two groups also disagreed over whether they should work with former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to unseat Najib.

“Dr Mahathir is the most vocal in calling for parliamentarians to remove Najib through a no-confidence vote. Some PKR leaders think this effort should not be supported,” said the source.

“The other group thinks that cooperating with Dr Mahathir is the best option right now in order to get rid of Najib.”

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