Will an ABU-ed Saifuddin Abdullah be Zaid-ized?

Saifuddin Abdullah

KTemoc Konsiders

So … or as the Japanese would say, so desu ne, wakakaka, not that I know Japanese well …

… our dear Saifuddin Abdullah has now joined PKR (dipendapat saya, Parti Kosong Reformasi, wakakaka).

Oh dear, I have so many things to write of his move to PKR but I have to make do with just this post, at least for a while wakakaka.

Yes indeed, I had wanted to blog on the following issues (just sharing my earlier thoughts):

* Saifuddin’s impact on Pakatan Harapan.

* Will Saifuddin contest Temerloh in GE-14?

* Will Saifuddin, already ABU-ed by Pakatan, be further Zaid-ized by PKR? Wakakaka.

But I suppose I have to make do with just this post, apart from my inclined laziness yesterday, and can you blame as it was such a lovely Sunday?

But let’s make use of above dot-points to discuss some likely outcomes of Saifuddin’s change of political allegiance.

Firstly, let me make it very clear that, as Saifuddin is NOT holding any federal or state constituency from the 2013 general elections (in fact the poor bloke lost his seat), he is NOT a frog, not like, for example, Mrs Hee was in the 2008 GE term. Mrs Hee won her ADUN seat for Jelapang under the DAP banner but subsequently switched her allegiance to BN while still holding that state seat within that same election term – a case of her disregarding the voters’ choice, which in the end she paid for it (or as some alleged, was paid for it, wakakaka).

Another example would be Kamaruddin Jaafar. He was the PAS MP for Tumpat, elected in 2013, but left the Islamic party recently to join PKR. He took the Tumpat seat along with him to PKR.

Nik Nazmi, PKR Youth Chief, argued that there was nothing wrong with Kamaruddin exercising his right to freedom of movement or freedom of association by citing that former PKR treasurer Abdul Rahman Othman had left PKR in 2007 for PAS.

On the issue of frogology, Nik’s argument has been pathetic in missing the principal point because Abdul Rahman did NOT win nor hold any federal or state seat under the PKR banner when he moved to PAS and thus was under no moral or honour-bound constraint to exercise his freedom of association, but Kamruddin Jaafar did in holding the PAS-won Tumpat seat when he joined PKR.

Okay, so current election laws bar any MP or ADUN from standing in elections for 5 years if he/she resigns prematurely before his or her term as a people’s representative has expired, and is thus a damper on that MP (or ADUN) making a voluntary honorable resignation when changing party allegiance before an election term is up.

But then, shouldn’t all MPs or at least federal opposition MPs be raising this in parliament to change this stupid election law ages ago, instead of wasting valuable parliamentary time in debating silly issues on whether a convict like Anwar Ibrahim should be able to vote in Permatang Puah, and various other publicity-seeking gimmickry such as a convict with a bad back, bad shoulder, bad this, bad that, be allowed to serve his convicted sentence in his own house (and why not the Istana Negara where he can then play catur or draughts everyday with the Agong?).

Anyway, a political frog is one who wins a federal or state seat (or even both) under the aegis or banner of Party A and subsequently within the same election term changes political allegiance to Party B and takes along the seat(s) he/she had won under Party A to his/her new Party B, a bloody subversion of the people’s (voters’) will/choice!

And let’s not forget someone’s 916 Gambit was promoting precisely such subversion of the ballot box, a vile disrespect for the supremacy of the people’s voting preference.


