Opposition politicians do not command confidence right now


T. K. Chua, The Malaysian Insider

We Malaysians must indeed keep watch of our pathetic state. We are justified in lamenting the incompetence and “misgovernance” of Umno/BN-led government. But I think we should equally be grieving over the disarray in Pakatan Rakyat, Pakatan Harapan or whatever combinations or permutations that may emerge from them.

Forgive me if I have only made simple observations and formed simple conclusions. I appreciate the difficulties and challenges faced by opposition politicians each day when carrying out their struggle. But lately, I also realised that too many opposition politicians are insincere and have indulged in shadow play, intrigue and machination.

There is too much hypocrisy now. They gladly allow the coalition to wallow in the mud just to satisfy their short term expediency. They have largely forgotten their long term visions and aspiration for Malaysia. My take is simple: if they can’t articulate their visions for Malaysia now, they will not be able to do so once they have attained power. They should stop trying to hoodwink Malaysians with their ambiguity.

I suspect the lack of sincerity. It is inconceivable they do not know the correct procedures to table a no confidence motion against the ruling government. It is also inconceivable they do not know who should table and lead the motion. Are these not shadow plays? What are the objectives?

Opposition politicians are too swollen-headed too. They are like a basket of carrots; everyone picked is a head. Let’s take the relocation of bazaar site at Sungei Way as an example. In this instance, I believe whatever the issue highlighted was nullified by the manner politicians went about protecting their turf or trying to be champions among their followers. Politicians should have worked with MBPJ to resolve the issue, more so the state machinery is under the coalition’s control. As I see it, lots of damage was done simply because some politicians think they can write eloquent essays to attack each other in public under the pretext of friendly advice. It is true; they wish to indulge in heroism rather than trying to solve the problems for the people.


