Ku Li: BN MPs unlikely to vote against budget


But he says they have a right to do so.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said today that Barisan Nasional MPs had the right to vote against the budget if they wanted to.

The Umno veteran and former finance minister was commenting on an opposition call on backbenchers to vote against Budget 2016, which will be tabled tomorrow.

However, Tengku Razaleigh said he doubted that the BN MPs would heed the call.

“I don’t think they’ll vote against the budget, going by normal rules,” he said.

“But if they think that on substantive issues they should oppose the PM himself, not the budget, then they may have a right to do it.”

He acknowledged that it was the “opposition’s prerogative” to urge parliamentarians not to back the budget.

“The MPs should be able to evaluate for themselves whether or not they should back such a bid,” he said.

As for himself, he said, he would listen to the arguments before making his decision. “Let’s listen to what they have to say. We come to Parliament with an open mind.”


