There is no ‘Rawang Move’


That, of course, would make sense. I mean, you may not be sure whether this is true but you spread the rumour anyway and then you deny your own rumour (even if you yourself started that rumour) to kill any possibility of that happening in case someone may be thinking of it.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The opposition is always being subjected to slander, innuendoes and lies. Not too long ago there were rumours of a ‘Kajang Move’. The rumour was that the State Assemblyman for Kajang, Lee Chin Cheh, would resign to allow Anwar Ibrahim to contest the by-election that would follow.

Of course, that was denied and true enough Anwar Ibrahim did not contest any by-election in Kajang. In fact, he went to jail — but Sungai Buloh Jail, and not Kajang Jail like he should have.

Then the rumour was that Anwar’s wife, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, would contest the Kajang by-election instead and the reason was so that she could replace Khalid Ibrahim as the new Selangor Menteri Besar.

This, yet again, was proven not true. Wan Azizah did not take over as the Selangor Menteri Besar. Azmin Ali did.

Then the rumours started flying that Khalid needs to be replaced as the Menteri Besar because Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was about to be ousted from office.

Again, this proved not true. Najib is still in office long after Khalid was kicked out.

Anyway, it was reported that Rafizi Ramli was the one who said that Khalid must be kicked out so that the opposition can be saved in the event Najib is kicked out. They even published quotes from Rafizi.

However, I doubt that this is true and they must have lied and slandered Rafizi. How can kicking out Khalid help save the opposition in the event that Najib is kicked out? Can you see how stupid that statement is?

So I doubt Rafizi is stupid enough to say that although he was reported to have said it and although he never denied that report. It is all lies to make the opposition look downright silly.

Then there were rumours that Khalid has to be kicked out because he is a crook. Someone (they allege it was Saifuddin Nasution) published a thick dossier listing down Khalid’s ‘crimes’ and whoever was behind this even put PKR’s name and logo on that dossier.

Yet, again, I suspect that this dossier is a forgery because not long before that DAP’s Tony Pua had publicly declared that Khalid is the best, most honest, most hard working, etc., Menteri Besar in history. So why would PKR want to publish a dossier of Khalid’s so-called crimes after Tony Pua publicly declared that Khalid is Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa two-in-one.

Furthermore, no police report was ever made against Khalid and he was not arrested and charged after he resigned as Menteri Besar like Khir Toyo was.

And now they are spinning lies about the ‘Rawang Move’. And, of course, this, too, is being denied like they denied the lies that there was going to be a Kajang Move.

So readers had better beware. The rumours of the Kajang Move were proven lies in the end, as, too, were the rumours as to why Khalid must be kicked out — to save the opposition in the event the Prime Minister gets ousted. Hence we can regard all these rumours regarding the Rawang Move as equally untrue.

I mean, it could even be a suspicion only and the rumour being spread about a Rawang Move is merely a pre-emptive strike in case the entry of Saifuddin Abdullah into PKR is due to some ulterior motive.

After all, they have done this before during the 2010 Hulu Selangor by-election. When they knew they were going to lose, PKR’s own people started spreading fake photos of their party candidate, Zaid Ibrahim, drinking beer. Then they blamed Umno for these fake photos and when Zaid lost they blamed the fake photos for the loss.

That, of course, would make sense. I mean, you may not be sure whether this is true but you spread the rumour anyway and then you deny your own rumour (even if you yourself started that rumour) to kill any possibility of that happening in case someone may be thinking of it.

