Muhyiddin finally reveals the truth


And this would also mean what Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said is true. Tengku Razaleigh said he refused to become the Prime Minister because he would merely be a puppet Prime Minister with Dr Mahathir pulling the strings from behind the scenes as the de facto Prime Minister.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

What Muhyiddin Yassin said as reported in the news item below is very interesting. First of all, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad decides who becomes Prime Minister. And if Dr Mahathir does not want you as Prime Minister or he wants you removed as Prime Minister then that is what is going to happen.

The second point that Muhyiddin made was that Dr Mahathir was the one who chose Najib to replace Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as Prime Minister. Hence Dr Mahathir solely decided that Najib will run the country and the party, either Umno or Barisan Nasional, had no say in the matter.

Muhyiddin also revealed that both he and Dr Mahathir were disappointed with Najib because he refused to challenge Abdullah and oust him. The impression that Muhyiddin gives is that Najib was loyal to Abdullah and refused to stab him in the back.

The fourth point Muhyiddin made was that he pressured Najib to take on Abdullah and push him out. And according to Muhyiddin, if Najib refused to oust Abdullah then he (Muhyiddin) was going to become Prime Minister instead.

What Muhyiddin said tells a lot about what is going on today. Seven years ago Najib was told he must challenge Abdullah and kick him out. So the story that now Muhyiddin is being asked to challenge Najib and kick him out makes sense.

There is a pattern to what happened seven years ago and to what is happening now. The man who runs Malaysia is Dr Mahathir and whoever becomes Prime Minister is merely the puppet Prime Minister with Dr Mahathir as the de facto Prime Minister.

And this would also mean what Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said is true. Tengku Razaleigh said he refused to become the Prime Minister because he would merely be a puppet Prime Minister with Dr Mahathir pulling the strings from behind the scenes as the de facto Prime Minister.


Muhyiddin: How I made Najib the PM

Ousted DPM says Mahathir asked him to replace Abdullah but he said Najib as deputy should be the one

(Free Malaysia Today) – Muhyiddin Yassin has revealed that he was instrumental in Najib Razak becoming prime minister, and that he had declined when asked by Dr Mahathir Mohamad to replace Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Muhyiddin related the background to Najib’s assumption of power when speaking at a dialogue in Johor Bahru yesterday. The dialogue was organised by publishing company Karangkraf and its daily newspaper Sinar Harian.

He said he had met Najib and urged him to challenge Abdullah after the Barisan Nasional suffered severe losses in the 2008 general election, losing power in five states.

“The thing with Najib is, he takes a long time to make up his mind,” Muhyiddin said, according to Malaysian Insider. “That was when I met Dr Mahathir and he asked me to go for the presidency. But I said no, I can’t, I am only party vice president, and Najib is the deputy president, so he should go for it.”

Muhyiddin said he was eventually the one who convinced Najib to take up the challenge and become prime minister.

“It was on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Senai that I told him that he needs to make up his mind quickly and I told him that Dr Mahathir had asked me to take up the challenge instead. That was when Najib said okay, he will do it. He agreed to it on a flight to Johor,” said Muhyiddin.

About 400 people, most of them Johor Umno members, attended the dialogue session, held in a hotel in Johor Bahru.

Muhyiddin became deputy prime minister after Najib took power, but was dismissed by Najib in late July after making muted criticisms about a reported RM2.6 billion donation deposited directly into Najib’s personal bank account. However, he remains Umno deputy president.

He said he had no regrets about helping Najib become prime minister. “I won’t say I regret it. At that time, it was the right thing to do. He was qualified and capable to lead the country,” he said.

Dr Mahathir, however, has spoken of his regret at choosing Najib to replace Abdullah and has been at the forefront of a year-long campaign to force out Najib as Umno president and prime minister.

Muhyiddin said he was aware of implications after speaking his mind at the dialogue yesterday. “I know I might face further implications, but it is better for me to tell the truth,” he said.

“No one can doubt my loyalty. I have always been loyal to the leadership. In my years as part of the government from 1981, I had never spoken out of line against the leadership,” he added.

