Rawang Move — a false flag operation?


So, was the Rawang Move nothing but a psy war started by a certain group determined to protect Mohamed Azmin Ali as the Selangor Menteri Besar and to keep Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah in his place?

(The Rakyat Post) – FOLLOWING the bruising Kajang Move that took a heavy hit on the Opposition pact and in particular the Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Selangor folks were shocked to read last week that a similar move may be on the cards again.

Dubbed the Rawang Move, it supposedly involves PKR’s Rawang assemblywoman Gan Pei Nei resigning to pave the way for PKR’s latest entry from Umno, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, to contest the seat.

This is allegedly to make him the Menteri Besar by removing Mohamed Azmin Ali, who took over from Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

The rumour mill went into overdrive after this was reported but so far it has been roundly brushed off by all quarters, even by Azmin’s detractors.

So how did this talk start in the first place?

Gan herself and PKR Wanita chief Zuraida Kamaruddin have blamed the Rawang Move talk on Umno and that it is was a diversionary tactic over the 1MDB issue.

While some within the party seem to concur on this, there is yet another group which believes that there is more than meets the eye.

Some leaders believe the talk on Rawang Move was started as a psy war within the party.

They believe a certain group started this so as to entrench Azmin in his position as the Selangor Menteri Besar.

But then why would they create a rumour against themselves? And it gets more interesting here.

There have been some murmurs among the party corridors that it has been more than a year since Azmin took over from Khalid but nothing much has happened since then.

Apparently, many expected some changes to take place and an administration style that would be distinct from Khalid’s.

But they feel let down by what’s happening although they refuse to disclose what exactly they are upset about.

One party leader even asked why they had  to go through all the problems that the Kajang Move brought about, only for another person to take over with more or else the same net effect on the party.

“It was pointless for us and the party. Many are feeling it this way and the numbers are growing,” said the leader who wanted to be anonymous.

Another party senior also concurred with what was happening and even suggested that the Rawang Move rumour may be a well thought out plan.

“The plan is probably not to make it happen but I will not be surprised if it was actually to strengthen his position by getting the party to rally behind him.

“After all, nobody wants it to happen as such a move again may rip the party apart beyond repair.”

The rumour is also believed aimed at putting Saifuddin in his place and as a warning for him to be not too ambitious.

Following his cross-over from Umno, many in the party see him as one of the potential party leaders due to his calibre and experience.

So before anyone gets any ideas, it is better to make sure Saifuddin himself rules it out, as he had to do now.

So here we have it. So far, the Rawang Move appears to be nothing but a psy war started by a certain group determined to protect Azmin as the Selangor Menteri Besar.

It may seem far-fetched to some but to those familiar with local and especially international politics, false flag operations are common and at times a necessity.

The coming days should be interesting times for PKR.

